Wednesday, February 20, 2019

5 Reasons Why Your Bengal Cat Is Throwing Up

Why Is My Bengal Cat Throwing UpWhen you see your precious Bengal cat throwing up, it can be quite a bit disconcerting. Apart from the puddle of a mess your cat created, seeing your feline friend in that poor state can stress and scare you out like crazy. Good news: vomiting in cats is pretty common.

Why is my Bengal cat throwing up food? Bengal cats are notorious for having delicate stomachs, which make them highly prone to vomiting. Because they are predisposed to having sensitive stomachs, it can be difficult to figure out whether their vomiting is normal or a cause for concern.
Bengal cats may throw up due to various reasons. This is why it’s essential to understand what is normal and what warrants a trip to the vet. Here are the top 5 reasons why your Bengal cat is throwing up.

1. Your Bengal cat ingested a foreign object.

Bengal cats are inquisitive in nature. They like to explore, lick, and even eat things that ignite their curiosity. Ask yourself, did your cat eat something that it wasn’t supposed to? Just like humans, cats throw up when they eat things that don’t sit well with their stomachs.

Did your cat go on a grass eating spree at the garden? Did your cat inadvertently eat toilet paper, string, or carpet fibers? These are only some of the usual things that cats ingest which may cause them to throw up.

But, here’s the serious part; ingesting things such as fur, small toy parts or pretty much anything solid that is not food can lodge in your cat’s stomach or intestines. When this happens, this can cause repeated vomiting and severe distress.

If you notice your cat looking lethargic while vomiting, then better take him or her to the vet as soon as possible. Oftentimes, surgery is necessary in intestinal blockage cases such as this.

2. Your Bengal cat ate too fast.

Ingesting food too quickly can cause your Bengal cat’s stomach wall to expand faster, which can then result in regurgitation.

If you notice your cat eating too fast and throws up minutes later, then most probably it is just due to the fact that your cat is such a glutton and is eating way too fast.

However, regurgitation isn’t always caused by eating too fast. If you notice your Bengal cat regurgitating even though he or she is not eating quickly, then it might be caused by other issues such as an obstruction in the digestive tract, esophageal problems, or dehydration.

In general, a cat throwing up undigested food because of eating too quickly is quite common and often harmless. Nevertheless, you should still correct your cat’s eating behavior to prevent further problems down the line.

3. Your Bengal cat ate way too much.

We often think of cats as grazers—finesse furry creatures that nibble on food throughout the day as they need to. However, not all cats behave that way.

Some cats, especially those raised in a multi-cat household, have to compete with other cats for food. In multiple-cat households, feeding time can turn into an eating contest in a snap.

These cats will eat way beyond their capacities even if they are already full to the brim. This kind of eating behavior can result in vomiting.

To prevent this from happening, vets recommend feeding your cat frequent small meals throughout the day, rather than constantly giving them large amounts of food or feeding them just one big meal once a day.

If you have more than one cat at home, it is also advisable to feed them separately or at different times.Bengal Cat Vomitting

4. Your cat is sick.

Vomiting can also be a sign that your cat has something serious going on that needs immediate medical attention.

If vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhea, blood in stool or vomit, lack of appetite, bloat, or weight loss, then don’t waste any time and bring your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

There’s a wide range of health conditions of which these things can be symptomatic. Your Bengal cat might have a worm problem, a parasite infestation, bacterial infection, inflammatory bowel disease, or issues with its internal organs.

I’m not telling this to scare you, but to stress the importance of observing and monitoring your cat following its vomiting episode.

It can really be difficult to tell when cats are sick because they like to hide their symptoms. You know your cat more than anyone else, so watch them closely.

If you notice that your cat is not acting like his or her usual self, then it’s a good idea to get your cat checked.

5. Your cat has food allergies and intolerances.

A sudden change in diet, food intolerances, and allergies can also make your Bengal cat throw up. As mentioned earlier, Bengal cats are known to have sensitive stomachs, so even the slightest of things can irritate their delicate digestive systems.

Bengal cats have such delicate guts, which can make them quite tricky to feed. If you recently changed your cat’s food and noticed that they are throwing up after eating, then your cat may be intolerant or allergic to a particular ingredient in that food.

Knowing which foods your cat is allergic or intolerant to is a trial and error process. Doing a food elimination diet is a good way to figure out which ingredients are safe and not safe for your cat.

To do this, feed your Bengal cat only one type of protein source for a couple of weeks, then slowly incorporate other types of food to check if there will be any reaction. During this time, it’s best to keep a diet diary and jot down what you’re feeding your cat and whatever reactions that may occur.

How to Know What’s Normal Vomiting and What’s Not

One to three times a month of vomiting is considered normal. But, if your cat is vomiting for two to three consecutive days and seems to be in a great deal of discomfort, then take him or her to the vet as soon as possible.

One good way to determine the cause of your cat’s vomiting is by looking at the puddle of vomit. Light and frothy vomits are usually caused by hairballs and the ingestion of foreign objects such as grass.

Vomits with undigested food are commonly caused by eating too much, too fast; while yellow foamy vomits are usually a sign of something more serious such as an internal organ issue.

How to Prevent Your Bengal Cat from Throwing Up

Just because vomiting is a fairly common occurrence among Bengal cats doesn’t mean that you’ll just accept it as a natural part of their being. Cat vomiting should never be ignored, and instead, should be corrected to minimize future occurrences.

Simple solutions such as training your furry glutton to eat slowly and feeding him or her small frequent meals throughout the day is a good way to start.

If you have a multiple-cat household, feeding them at different times and places can help avoid competitive eating, which often leads to vomiting.

Preventing vomiting episodes will greatly depend on what’s usually causing it to occur in the first place.

How to Care for a Vomiting Bengal Cat at Home

If your cat vomits only once and goes on with his or her usual routine with no further vomiting, then the problem may resolve on its own. Just keep a close eye on your cat to make sure that he or she recovers completely.

However, if your cat vomits multiple times, it’s best to withhold food and water for about two hours. This would allow your cat’s stomach to settle down.

If two hours have passed and your cat has not vomited again, then slowly offer water so that your cat doesn’t get dehydrated. If there’s no further vomiting, then you may slowly offer a bland diet in small increments.

It’s important to keep your Bengal cat limited to one area of the house so that you can closely monitor his or her condition. Don’t let your cat roam around your property until his vomiting situation has been completely resolved.

If your cat’s vomiting persists for days, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or blood in stool or vomit, you should bring your cat immediately to the vet.

Related Questions

What health problems do Bengal cats have? Apart from being known to have delicate guts, Bengal cats are also predisposed to various health problems such as cataracts, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, and Distal Neuropathy.
Why does my cat throw up clear liquid? Clear liquid vomit is actually your cat’s gastric juices. It usually comes out as your cat tries to eject a foreign object such as a hairball out of his or her system.

Why is my cat throwing up undigested food? One of the common reasons why cats throw up food right after eating is because they eat too quickly. Eating food too quickly can cause your cat’s stomach wall to expand faster, which can then result in regurgitation.

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