Sunday, February 3, 2019

Are Ragdoll Cats Very Vocal?

Are Ragdoll Cats Very VocalAre Ragdolls quiet or noisy cats? Those planning to adopt a furry friend would ask this question to determine if Ragdoll cats are ideal for apartment living. Ragdoll cat owners, on the other hand, might be curious as to whether their feline friend’s mewing habits are normal.

Are Ragdoll Cats Very Vocal? In general, Ragdolls are known to be quiet kitties. However, there are many Ragdolls that are highly vocal. Ragdolls that love to “meow” might just have a chirpy personality and love to communicate their wants or needs to their owners. Do take note that a Ragdoll that is suddenly overly talkative could be suffering from an underlying medical condition.

Read on to learn more about the characteristics of Ragdolls, the many reasons they go “meow”, and how to lovingly silence a noisy Ragdoll cat.

The typical personality of a Ragdoll cat related to their voice

Ragdolls are angelic-looking creatures with big blue eyes, a soft and silky coat, and a charming personality. Ragdolls make perfect family cats as they are extremely gentle in nature. They can live alongside children and other pets, including dogs.

They are affectionate, tolerant and laid-back – the kind of traits any cat owner would appreciate!

The name “Ragdoll” came about as these cats have a tendency to go limp when picked up. Indeed, Ragdolls usually don’t mind being petted or carried. Some are even up for getting their bellies rubbed which is uncommon for many other cat breeds.

Ragdolls would show their devotion by giving cuddles and following their favorite humans around the house. They love to play and in fact, Ragdolls are known to retain their kitten-like playfulness throughout their (nine) lives.

They are also intelligent cats that can be trained to play fetch or to come when called.

Going back to the topic at hand, Ragdoll cats have a voice that matches their personality. As you may have guessed, their voice can be described as sweet, soft and very cute!

Being ever so well-mannered, many Ragdolls are quiet, meowing a musical melody only when they would like to be petted or fed.

Of course, these personality traits are not representative of all Ragdolls. They only provide a general guideline and it’s very possible that your Ragdoll is different from what was just described. As such, it’s not unusual to have a noisy (but equally loveable) Ragdoll cat.

What are the reasons my Ragdoll cat is meowing?

Ragdoll cats, and just cats in general meow for so many reasons.

Typically, they are trying to communicate with you. If you listen attentively, you might be able to decipher what your cat is trying to say! Here are some examples:

  • A quick meow could be your cat saying “hello”, alerting you that it’s in the room.
  • A series of meows could be the result of an excited kitty that’s just happy to see you.
  • A drawn-out meow could be your cat demanding for something – for example, for you to let go of it.
  • A mid-pitched meow could mean that your cat’s asking for food.
  • A high-pitched meow could be a signal of pain or distress.

Aren’t cats so smart?

Indeed, cats do try to talk to their humans at times. You need to spend time with your cat to develop your “cat lady instincts” and comprehend its desires based on its meows. Sometimes, your Ragdoll may want food.

At other times, it just wants some attention. Being smart kitties, Ragdolls may also meow to ask you to open the door so it can go where it wants.

What you certainly want to look out for is the possibility that your cat is hurt or sick.

As mentioned, meowing could be a sign of pain or distress caused by a variety of medical conditions such as a toothache, a urinary tract blockage, or even a brain disorder.

It could also be an indication that your cat is stressed, whether due to some changes in the household or the loss of a loved one.

The next section will cover more about this.

Do Ragdolls Meow A Lot

Ragdoll Mix


My Ragdoll cat is meowing too much – is there something wrong?

Not always.

Your Ragdoll cat may just have a talkative personality – it’s just the way it is!

It could also be yowling because it’s “in heat”. In technical terms, this is called estrus – the period in which the cat is fertile and sexually receptive.

These wailing-like meows will last around a week, and it’s usually accompanied with excessive affection and excessive licking of the genital area, the urge to escape, as well as the “estrus posture” in which the female rump is raised.

Even male cats will yowl when they smell a female cat that is in heat. Only cats that are spayed or neutered will not go through this cycle of behavior.

If your Ragdoll cat’s excessive meowing is out of character and not because it’s in heat, be on high alert (or zoom to the vet right away).

Apart from the frequency of meowing, listen carefully to the changes in pitch or tone of the meows which could indicate that something is amiss.

A change in the behavior of a cat is always a cause for concern. You should also look out for other warning signs that your Ragdoll is sick so you can provide a comprehensive report to the vet. This includes:

  • Bad breath
  • Changes in breathing
  • Changes in gait
  • Diarrhea
  • Discharge from eyes or nose
  • Increased thirst
  • Lethargy
  • Limping
  • Loss or increase of appetite
  • Overgrooming
  • Skin irritation
  • Swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Weight gain or less

Another thing to keep an eye out for are changes in the Ragdoll’s interactions with you or other pets in the household.

Whether you notice these symptoms or not, it’s worthwhile to speak with the vet if you suspect that your Ragdoll is sick. After all, a trained professional is the best person to determine if there really is something wrong with your Ragdoll.

Don’t worry too much needlessly, though! Your Ragdoll might just be given a clean bill of health.

How can I stop my Ragdoll cat from being so vocal?

If you have determined that your Ragdoll’s vocal tendencies are nothing to worry about, but would like to reduce the pesky meowing (especially at night), there are certain techniques you can try.

Firstly, you can ignore the Ragdoll when it’s meowing at you. Just like children with their cries, a cat can learn to stop meowing to ask for something if you simply refuse to shower it with attention and meet its demands.

This technique may cause your Ragdoll to meow even louder or more frequently at first, but in time, could solve the problem.

Nighttime vocalizations can be reduced by feeding your Ragdoll later in the evening to ensure that it won’t be hungry at night. You could also keep your cat more awake in the daytime by feeding it several times a day.

Encouraging the Ragdoll to be more active during the day would also help. It’s even more effective if you attempt to reset your cat’s “internal hunting clock” by whipping out the toys in the evening before bedtime.

Just remember not to punish your Ragdoll cat because of its vocalization. You do not want to break the special bond between you and your cat, and you should always treat these lovely felines with kindness.

On top of that, be sure to never, ever ignore your Ragdoll’s meowing unless you are certain there is no problem to be concerned about.

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