Sunday, February 10, 2019

Do Siamese Cats Get Along With Other Cats?

Do Siamese Cats Get Along With Other Cats?The elegant Siamese can easily get along with their favorite humans at home, but do they get along well with other cats? This is a natural concern for cat owners who’d like to make a new addition into their household.

The answer is yes. Siamese cats are great with other pets at home. In fact, giving the Siamese cat a constant furry companion is a good idea as these cats crave attention. When left alone, they easily get lonely and sad.

Read on to find out more about the personality of Siamese cats, the breeds they can get along with, the techniques to introduce two cats to one another, and how to deal with potential problems that may arise in a multi-cat household.

What is the personality of a Siamese cat?

Siamese cats have an outgoing personality. They are sociable creatures that love to be given attention and affection. They are certainly not the aloof sort of cats that prefer to spend time alone, away from humans.

Instead, the Siamese cat likes to poke its nose in the daily lives of their special people, particularly those that they have grown attached to.

One quirk of the Siamese cat is that they are quite a chatterbox! They have even been labeled as the most talkative cat breed. Ask a Siamese cat something and chances are, it will reply you as if it really understood the question.

Cat owners of this breed will certainly feel the presence of their cat as they are usually lurking nearby or happily meowing away.

When they are vocalizing, Siamese cats are usually expressing their desires. They could be asking for food, demanding a pet, or asking you to open the door.

These cats are intelligent – so intelligent that they can be trained to go for a walk!

When dealing with strangers, Siamese cats are professional greeters. They are comfortable with greeting unfamiliar faces at the door.

Once these strangers have gained their trust and approval, the Siamese cat will not hesitate to invite itself to the person’s lap and get cozy. These cats really have a way of making people feel loved, but at the same time, they want to feel loved too.

That brings us to an important point, which is that Siamese cats need to be given plenty of attention.

Yes, a Siamese cat needs companionship. It should not be left alone for a long period of time as they easily get lonely and sad. In fact, the Siamese cat can even become depressed if they are unable to fulfill their social needs.

This is something that future owners of Siamese cats need to be fully aware of. Beyond giving these cats their basic needs like food and water, it’s important not to neglect them emotionally.

But what if the cat owner has other commitments outside of the home? Well, if you have no choice but to leave the Siamese cat alone in the house most of the day, you should seriously consider adopting another pet to keep your Siamese cat company.

What cat breeds can get along with Siamese cats?

There are plenty of friendly cat breeds that could potentially live harmoniously with a Siamese cat. Another Siamese cat would be a safe bet, but if you’d like something different, you’ll find some recommendations below:

  • The plus-sized Maine Coon cat which is more loving than demanding
  • The beautiful Ragdoll cat which tends to go limp when carried
  • The sweet and sociable Abyssinian cat
  • The glamorous Persian cat with its quiet personality
  • The calm and composed (and furry) Siberian cat
  • The Exotic Shorthair cat with its kind disposition
  • The soft-spoken and playful Birman cat

How do I introduce my Siamese cat to another cat?

When it comes to friendships between cats, the first stages of an introduction really counts! Cat owners cannot just put two cats side by side and hope they’ll get friendly with one another.

Rather, they should give time for integration through small steps. As you’ve probably picked a friendly cat breed for your Siamese cat, your chances of success are high.

Here are the steps you should take when introducing a new cat:

  • Create a territory for your new cat. This should be fully-equipped with all its necessary items such as food and water bowls, a scratching post, a litter box, and a resting spot. It should be outside of the territory of your Siamese cat.
  • After a few days, once this cat has become acclimated to its territory, shift it to a new room. Again, this new room should be fully equipped. While this cat is out of its original territory, allow the Siamese cat to enter the previous room so that it can get accustomed to the scent of the new cat. The new cat should also acclimatize to the second room.
  • Now, you can let the two cats be on opposite sides of the door. Allow the two cats to smell each other through the door opening. You could even let the two cats see each other, as long as they are kept in separate spaces.
  • Once the two cats have settled down with each other’s presence without showing signs of aggression or stress, you can bring them to opposite sides of the same room. One cat can be placed in a cat carrier if you are doing this alone. If there is another person in the room, both of you can play with the two cats separately. Give them treats, so they feel rewarded to be in the presence of another cat.
  • Gradually, move the two cats closer to one another. Slowly, they will learn to feel safe and comfortable around each other.. Once they are both relaxed, they will begin to interact.Siamese Cats are good companions

What if my Siamese cat gets jealous of the new cat?

Given their intelligence, their temperament and their desire for attention, a Siamese cat can easily get jealous of a new cat in the household.

Your Siamese cat may consider you as its territory, and having another pet in the household will upset its equilibrium. Therefore, on top of making sure that the two cats can be left alone unsupervised, cat owners should also look out for signs that their Siamese cat is jealous.

When a Siamese cat is jealous, it might:

  • Show unusually strong affection to you
  • Refuse to give you space
  • Display aggression to you or the other pet
  • Pee or poop outside the litter box
  • Become aloof and withdrawn

Now, how do you deal with a jealous Siamese cat?

One way is to give your cat exactly what it wants – that is, your love and attention. Shower it with all the care in the world so that your cat knows what it means to you.

It should understand that even though there is a new pet, some things will not change. Another way is to ensure that the new pet does not encroach on your Siamese cat’s territory and belongings.

Give the new kitty its own space, food bowls and toys instead of forcing your Siamese cat to share everything.

What if my Siamese cat bullies the other cat?

Here’s another problem you might face: a Siamese cat that starts to “bully” the new cat.

Such bullying may arise even after a successful introduction. This bullying could manifest in aggression, but there are other forms of bullying that are less subtle.

For example, whenever your new cat comes to you, the Siamese cat might run ahead and get to you first. Or perhaps the Siamese cat might chase the new cat into the latter’s territory when the new cat ventures around the house.

If you observe such bullying tendencies in your Siamese cat, it’s possible that the problem lies in what was already covered – which is that the Siamese cat is jealous of the new cat.

So definitely try the aforementioned techniques to deal with a jealous cat and see if that works.

However, you should still make it clear to your Siamese cat that its misbehavior is not tolerated. For example, if your Siamese cat refuses to let the new cat get your affection, you can refuse to pet the Siamese cat at that moment.

Eventually, when the Siamese cat allows you to pet the new cat instead, you can reward it with a treat. Just remember never to punish the Siamese cat physically. Instead, you can use diversions, verbal reprimands or a spray bottle.

In the case that a Siamese cat is chasing or showing aggression to the new cat, you should first calm both cats down by separating them and distracting them with toys.

After that, set up hiding spots in the form of sturdy cat trees or perches so that the more submissive cat always have locations it can retreat to.

Ensure that the bullied cat can access its food, water, and litter box in its own territory. If the aggression is more severe, you should slowly reintroduce the two cats.

Of course, don’t assume that your Siamese cat is necessarily the jealous or bullying type. Your Siamese cat might just prove to be easy-going when it comes to making friends.

After all, most Siamese cats would love to have a friend to keep them entertained. Once the two cats have accepted each other fully, you can be sure that the Siamese cat will appreciate its new playmate!


Siamese cats get along pretty well with most cats. However, there are a few things to consider as you just read. Not every cat is a good companion for a Siamese cat.

We hope that this article helped you and if you have questions, leave a comment below!

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