Sunday, April 14, 2019

Are Birman Cats The Perfect Lap Cats?

Are Birman Cats Lap Cats?There are many lovely breeds of cats who want almost nothing more than love from their people. Certain breeds have become especially well known for their “lap cat” natures. Some of these breeds include Ragdoll Cats and Scottish Fold Cats. But are Birman Cats lap cats as well? I decided to find out.

Are Birman Cats lap cats? Yes. Birman Cats are loving and needy. They enjoy laying with their owners whenever they possibly can. Birman cats love to be able to snuggle and cuddle with their owners.

Birman Cats are lap cats, but what does that title really mean? What type of owner does a Birman Cat need? And what other odd needs do Birman Cats have? Let’s find out!

Birman Cats and Lap Cats

As more and more cat breeds have emerged based on the desires of pet owners for more variety and specific traits, the scale of cats that can be had as a pet has grown immensely. Cats can be different colors, patterns, or have specific dispositions based on what a potential cat owner wants in their pet.

There is a certain group of cat breeds that are well known for their relaxed and affectionate behavior. In this group are:

  • Ragdoll Cats
  • Scottish Fold Cats
  • Tonkinese Cats
  • Siamese Cats
  • Kurilian Bobtail
  • Burmese Cats
  • Sphynx Cats
  • Birman Cats

This group has become known as “Lap Cats” because of their loving nature and willingness to snuggle in a person’s lap.

Birman Cats are well known for being extremely affectionate. The favorite part of their days is cuddle time. Birman Cats usually let their owners know if they are in need of attention, but aren’t overly needy or impossible to please.

Often a quick scratch on the head or a nice cuddle session with satisfy their need for attention.

They are a very laid back and relaxed breed, though they love to play and chase other pets. Birman Cats affection for people usually extends toward children as well as other cats or dogs, making them excellent family cats.

Though certain breeds of cats are more well known for their Lap Cat characteristics, many cat enthusiasts believe that cats all have very individual and unique personalities, even within breed subcategories.

For this reason, many people say that any cat can become a lap cat in the right environment.

One of the ways that owners try to make their cats into lap cats is by changing the environment in their household. Cats that live in a less stressful and chaotic household are more likely to be lap cats and to enjoy snuggling.

This can often be a tall order if it is a multi-pet household or there are children present, but making sure that your cat is comfortable can help them to become less stressed and more readily affectionate.

Another method owners use to create a lap cat is to make sure that their cat trusts them. This can be done by reading the cat’s body language so that when they are ready to move away, they are given the space to do so.

This will make the cat not feel trapped and to be sure that they will be able to come and go as they please.

Trust can also be developed through playtime or other quality time spent together. The more a cat feels comfortable in their owners presence the more likely they are to want to spend more time around them and to eventually become a lap cat.Do Birman Cats Like to sit on a lap

Other Needs of Birman Cats

Aside from the affection that needs to go into your Birman Cat, what are some other needs that Birman Cats have? It turns out that Birman Cats are relatively low maintenance compared to many other cat breeds.

Birman Cats are usually very healthy. They don’t often have common health issues and can live up to 15 years. Like most cat breeds, Birman Cats are predisposed to kidney disease and obesity.

These issues can often be prevented with a proper diet and making sure that your pet is given plenty of exercise.

One way to keep cats active is by purchasing cat toys or climbing cat trees. This allows them to entertain themselves and to keep their minds and bodies fit and healthy. Another cat also is a good option to help keep cats healthy, if it is a feasible option for your lifestyle.

The grooming of Birmans is also fairly simple. Birmans have a soft coat that is often classified as a semi-longhaired coat. Their fur is a perfect length and texture so that it doesn’t easily tangle or mat. It is best to give a weekly brush or comb to make sure that fur is remaining healthy.

When Birmans, and all cats, shed their winter coat in the spring it is especially important to brush them to help make sure that all of the dead skin and hair cells get off of your pet’s body. Often, during the spring, molting season, it is a good time to give Birman’s baths.

It is very important to keep an eye on the claws and teeth of Birmans. A Birman’s claws need to be clipped about every couple of weeks so that they don’t get too long and cause discomfort. (No need for that if you have a good scratching post)

Birmans teeth are susceptible to heavy plaque residue that is usually best dealt with by an official veterinary tooth cleaning.

Is a Birman Cat Right For You?

Birman Cats are a great choice for many because of their quiet temperament and affectionate ways. They also are very low maintenance which can make them a more attainable pet to have and treat well.

Some positives for having a Birman Cat include:

  • Very affectionate
  • Great family cat
  • Aren’t usually scared of children or other pets
  • Very calm
  • Loving to all
  • Intelligent and easily trainable
  • Easy to groom
  • Few health concerns

Some possible negatives for having a Birman Cat include:

  • Need lots and lots of love
  • Aren’t hypoallergenic

As shown in the lists above, the positives mostly seem to outweigh the negatives. Birman Cats are a lovely addition to almost any household and they usually fit into the grove of things very happily.

Related questions

Can Birman Cats be left alone? Birman Cats are very social animals. They love the interaction with other cats, dogs, or people. It is not recommended for people who only want one pet to pick a Birman Cat. Birmans don’t do well if they are left home alone for long periods of time.

How long do Birman Cats live for?
Birman Cats are a big investment of time, in that they live for 15 years or more. They easily can be a part of their owners lives for upwards of 15 years. They are usually very good cats throughout their lives and can remain healthy for their whole lives if they have a healthy diet and stay active.

How much do Birman Cats cost?
The price for a Birman Cat with vary dependant on the breeder. A kitten usually costs somewhere between $400 and $600 dollars. If you are looking at a breeder it is important to inquire about bloodlines and potential health issues that your cat could be liable for based on their heritage. There are many Birman Cats that are in shelters that would also be a great option.

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