Friday, April 12, 2019

Can Persian Cats Go Outside? Why This Might Not Work

Can Persian Cats Go Outside?If you have owned cats in the past, you would know that some cats prefer to stay outdoors, while some cats are perfectly content living a life of indoor bliss. However, there are certain breeds of cats that have long been a subject of debate as to whether they should be allowed to stay outdoors or kept indoors—one of them is the Persian cat.

Can Persian Cats Go Outside? Persian cats can go outside, but they are best kept as indoor cats. Sure, there is no reason why a Persian cat can’t go outside, but considering how high maintenance and expensive they are, the risks of letting them out definitely outweighs whatever benefits it offers.

Just like any other cat breed, Persian cats are naturally inquisitive and love to explore their environment. But as you may have known by now, Persians require special care and handling, so you can’t just let them roam freely outside your home. Persian cats simply are not cut out for the outdoors and there are many reasons for this.

Persian cats have a very high maintenance coat.

Persian cats are highly-coveted for their luxurious coats, but of course, that does not come without a price. Persians’ coats are very high maintenance. Their coats require daily brushing as it is prone to mats and tangles.

If you let your Persian feline frolic outside, grass, dust, and dirt will cling onto their fur. You can just imagine the time and effort it would cost you to constantly clean and untangle their fur every time they go out.

What’s even worse is that if their coat gets entangled so bad, it would be very difficult to untangle and the only solution would be to shave it all off.

Persian cats are prone to respiratory issues.

Short-nosed and flat-faced cat breeds such as Persians are highly susceptible to respiratory issues. The unique shape of their head may cause them to have narrower nostrils and small tracheas, which may often result in labored breathing.

If they are constantly kept outside of the house, they may experience nasal obstructions and breathing problems.

Persian cats are not streetwise.

Persian cats are known for their gentle temperament, so this makes them at risk of getting attacked by other animals such as dogs and cats in the neighborhood. Apart from being an easy target for attacks, there is also the risk of getting run over by vehicles.

Their docile nature would not fare well with the dangers that outdoor cats face, so it is really best to keep them warm and cozy inside the house than left roaming outside.

Persian cats are easy targets for thieves.

Persian cats are one of the most expensive cats in the world. It doesn’t take a cat expert to recognize one, as they have pretty distinctive features. Persians left outside run the risk of getting stolen by unscrupulous individuals.

And because they are quiet and submissive cats, you wouldn’t even notice that they are already being cat-napped.Are persian cats outdoor cats?

Bringing Your Persian Cat Outdoors

A lot of Persian cat owners often feel guilty for not allowing their cats to enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and all the perks that come with the “outside world”. If you are one of them, then do not fret.

Even though Persian cats are not fit for the great outdoors, that does not mean that you can’t bring your feline friend to see the big world outside. You can still bring your pet cat outside—but before you do that, there are some things that you should do to ensure a safe and stress-free stroll.

Here are some of them:

1. Make sure your Persian cat is fully vaccinated.

Be confident in exposing your cat to the outside elements by ensuring your cat is up to date with its vaccinations. You wouldn’t know what diseases your cat can come into contact with outside, so it is important to keep your pet well protected.

2. Create a Persian cat-friendly backyard.

Although Persians are not high jumpers, it is still important to keep a fence high enough to keep your pet in. This also prevents other cats from the neighborhood from jumping in your property.

Of course, this would depend on what kind of property you live in, but as a general rule, it is best to keep your Persians in a safe enclosure when bringing him or her to your garden or porch to play.

3. Invest in a cat stroller.

Some Persian cats won’t walk on a leash naturally, so you would need to put them in a cat stroller if you want to tag them along for a stroll outside. It is also not advisable for Persian cats to walk on the ground as their coat can get entangled and get exposed to dirt.

4. Keep proper identification.

Invest in a cat identification tag that you can attach to your cat’s collar to ensure that they can be returned back home if ever they wander too far and get lost. Let’s just cross our fingers that this won’t ever happen to your cat.

5. Clean and brush your cat’s coat once you get home.

After your Persian cat’s outdoor excursion, make sure to clean its fur and brush it right away to remove any mats and tangles that may have formed. Failure to do so can make the tangles accumulate, making it harder to get rid of.

Safety threats are everywhere, even inside the home—but the risk is still higher to cats who spend a lot of time outdoors. This is why it’s important to take extra precautions when bringing your Persian cat outside your home.

Related Questions

How often should Persian cats be groomed? Persian cats have long, luxurious coats that require regular maintenance to keep them looking beautiful. Their coats need to be brushed every day and bathed once or twice every three months. Make sure to brush your cat’s coat first before giving him or her a bath to prevent it from tangling up.

How do I keep my Persian cat from matting? Long-haired cats such as Persian cats are highly prone to matting. Brushing your cat every day will prevent mats from forming and accumulating. To unmat cat hair, brush through your cat’s coat using a soft metal-toothed brush. Once the mats are pulled apart, brush through your cat’s entire coat to get rid of any last bits of matted fur.

Do you have to bathe Persian cats? Cats groom themselves on a daily basis, so there is really no reason to bathe them too frequently. Bathing them once every two to three months is more than enough. Ideally, your cat’s first bath should be done by a professional groomer so that you’ll know the proper way of giving your cat a bath.

Should you shave Persian cats? It is not necessary to shave Persian cats, but many owners do that for various reasons. Some shave their cats by choice to minimize hairballs, prevent mats from forming, and keep them comfortable during the scorching hot summer months. 

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