Sunday, April 7, 2019

Do Sphynx Cats Get Along With Other Cats?

Do Sphynx Cats Get Along WIth Other Cats?Cats are like potato chips; you can’t have just one. Sphynx are no exception to this rule. Maybe you have your eye on adopting a Sphynx while you already have a cat at home. Perhaps you want to get a friend for a sphynx you already have. But before you do, you should see if it will lead to a happy marriage or a catfight.

Do sphynx cats get along with other cats? Yes, Sphynx cats get along great with other cats. They are known for being affectionate towards humans, but this breed’s love knows no bounds. They will warm up to new cats in no time.

Before you decide to add a Sphynx to your home or bring home a new friend for a Sphynx you already have, do some research to see if you are making the best possible decision. Keep reading to see necessary that will help you make an informed decision.

The sphynx personality

You may wonder why Sphynx cats get along so well with other cats. It is easy to see why when you take a look into this breed’s typical personality traits.

Sphynx cats are social butterflies. They love attention and dislike being left alone. Sure, they love recognition from their favorite humans the most, but they also love to socialize with their own species. Sphynx-like companion cats because they have a playmate, a groomer, and a cuddle buddy while you are away.

Aside from being sociable, this cat breed is known for being intelligent. A higher intelligence helps your Sphynx rationalize that another friendly cat in the home is not an invader, but a potential buddy.

A bonded pair

If you want multiple cats with no risk, a bonded pair is the way to go. A bonded pair refers to two cats that cannot be separated. They are emotionally attached to one another. Separation can cause anxiety and depression in one or both cats.

Bonded pairs are often found amongst siblings. A Sphynx kitten will find no better best friend than one of its brothers or sisters. Sibling bonded pairs are a great choice because they will always be at the same life stage at the same time, so they can develop together. Although they are costly cats, making sure your cat stays with its companion is priceless.

It is also not uncommon to find a bonded pair reminiscent of the odd couple. In animal rescues and foster homes, cats in unfamiliar territory often take comfort in one another. Cats of all different ages, sizes, and breeds have been known to form unbreakable bonds.

It is rare to find a Sphynx in a foster situation. However, if a Sphynx is looking for a forever home, it is likely they will have a best friend looking for a home as well.

Introducing a sphynx to a new territory or to a new cat

It is said that it can take up to a year for cats to develop a friendship. As an owner, you can play a vital role in making sure unfamiliar cats can turn into best friends.

  • Have both cats fixed. Cats that are not spayed or neutered tend to be more aggressive. To help curb those behaviors, have both cats fixed.
  • Introduce scents first. Before your cats meet face to face, let them get used to each others’ scents. Take an item with each cats’ scent and leave it with the other. Before they meet face to face, they will already “know” each other.
  • Let them meet from afar. Also before they meet face to face, it is a good idea to let your cats interact at a distance for at least a few days. The easiest way to do this is to have your cats meet on opposite sides of a closed door. They can sniff and paw at each other through the door’s bottom gap.
  • Give both cats a safe space. Meeting a new cat can be stressful. It is important to have a familiar area where both cats can retreat and feel comfortable.
  • Allow your cats to share in fun activities. Positive bonds are built through positive experiences. If your cats play around one another, are given treats together, and are groomed around one another, odds are they will become buddies.
  • Make sure their territorial needs are met. When you introduce a new cat into your home, it is crucial to have separate litter boxes, food bowls, and water bowls. This helps your cats to feel more like roommates and less like competitors.

Introducing A Sphynx Cat To Another CatWhat if my cats don’t get along?

Unfortunately, sometimes cats aren’t too thrilled about getting a new roommate. If you see your Sphynx having issues with your other cat, it is important to figure out why they aren’t getting along and to try to resolve the issue before it escalates.

Why are my cats not getting along?

Before you can solve the issue between your cats, you must recognize what is causing conflict in the first place. Listed below are some common reasons why there is fighting.

  • They are establishing the pecking order. Cats operate with a social hierarchy, and there will always be an alpha cat. To determine who will be top dog, there will be some fighting. On the bright side, this type of fighting is never too violent. It can seem as if they are play fighting. This behavior typically lasts only a few months. After one cat has asserted its dominance as alpha, the fighting usually ceases.
  • One or both cats were undersocialized. Cats learn crucial social skills from their mothers and siblings. However, if they grow up mostly alone, they will lack these skills. Also, cats can develop aggressive behaviors if they have had unpleasant experiences with other cats.
  • Their personalities are too different. Like humans, cats have individual personalities that make each and every one stand out. Sometimes, two personalities don’t mesh well together. For example, an energetic kitten may irritate an older cat that only wants to nap.
  • There are territory issues. Felines are territorial creatures and sometimes, they just don’t feel like sharing. In these cases, you will often notice fighting in certain areas, like around food and water bowls, by the litter box, and by cat beds or perches.
  • The cats are stressed. Cats are more prone to stress then you may think. If there is a drastic change to its environment, your cat may act out towards other animals in the home.

How do I help my cats to get along?

Don’t be discouraged if your cats are brawling. It is possible to turn foes into friends. Below are some tips on how to help your cats get along.

  • Don’t let your cats duke it out. Fighting will do nothing but drive your cats further apart. If you see a fight, break it up with a spray bottle or some hand clapping.
  • Give your cats their own spaces. Because cats fight over territory, it is a good idea to give each cat their own facilities. If they don’t have to share a litter box and a food bowl, they don’t have to feel on guard constantly.
  • Keep your cats on a schedule. If stress is a factor, a schedule can be a big help. Cats do not like change. If you keep routines predictable, your cats will be more relaxed.
  • Reward positive interactions. It is a good idea to have some treats handy when your cats have pleasant interactions. They will associate positive behavior with yummy treats.

Sphynx cats and other animals

This breed doesn’t just like other cats and humans. As many sphynx owners know, these cats do exceptionally well in a diverse, multi-pet home.

Most often, you will find Sphynx cats enjoy the company of dogs. Since these cats are outgoing and love attention, it is no wonder why they are quick to warm up to canines.

Even if a dog’s personality is too outgoing for a sphynx, they will still probably enjoy having it as a cuddle buddy. A dog’s body temperature on average is warmer than a human’s. Since sphynx cats frequently look to borrow body heat, one can see why curling up next to the dog is an opportunity that’s hard to pass up.

There are also instances where sphynx cats befriend unlikely pets such as birds, rabbits, and other small mammals. Despite this breeds friendly demeanor, they are still predatory animals by nature. They should always be supervised if they are around these small animal breeds.

Related Questions

Do sphynx cats meow a lot? Yes, these hairless felines are known for meowing often. They are not shy with verbal communication. Aside from meowing, Sphynx cats will trill, chirp, purr, and chatter.

Are Sphynx cats affectionate? Sphynx cats are a very loving breed. These sweet cats adore curling up in your lap, snuggling beneath a warm comforter, and receiving pets all over their bodies. If you want a cat that is always willing to give you some love, then look no further.

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