If you’re thinking of adopting a Maine Coon, it’s wise to check whether this breed matches your personality and preferences. After all, bringing a cat into your house is a huge commitment – it’s like getting a new roommate or a new family member.
To test if a Maine Coon is right for you, go through this helpful list of questions that we’ve devised. Through this, you’ll get a clear idea of Maine Coons as a household companion. You’ll also find out about what you, as a cat owner, need to provide a Maine Coon to keep them happy and healthy.
Let’s get started.
1. Are you okay with having a huge cat?
The Maine Coon is one of the largest cat breeds in the world. The cat’s size is something that strikes you when you first lay your eyes on a Maine Coon, which is why this point is top on the list.
Yes, they’re huge! A typical housecat weighs somewhere between 8 lbs to 10 lbs (3.6 to 4.5 kg). Compare that to a male Maine Coon which weighs between 15 to 25 lbs (6.8 to 11.3 kg). A female Maine Coon, on the other hand, grows to about 10 to 15 lbs (4.5 to 6.8 kg).
Maine Coons also have long bushy tails, big bones, barrel chests, and a muscular frame, making them appear even larger.
If you’re the kind who prefer fun-sized kitties, Maine Coons are certainly not for you. You’d get a shock at how fast they grow… and grow… and grow… out of their tiny kitten bodies. By two years old, your Maine Coon would already be at its full-grown and giant size.
2. Would you like to have a sociable cat?
Some people say they’d love to keep a cat, but what they mean is the aloof sort of kitty that stays at a corner while minding its own business. Yes, some cats are like this, but certainly not a Maine Coon.
Maine Coons are sociable creatures that love to be around humans.
Your Maine Coon might trail behind you, constantly observe what you’re doing and if possible, join in with your activities in whatever ways it can.
Maine Coons are rarely shy and they can quickly warm up to people, even strangers. They’re always on the lookout for new friends. They’re fun, outgoing, entertaining, and always looking for a good time. If a Maine Coon is a human, it’s the kind who’s always the life of the party.
Fun fact: Male Maine Coons are known to be more sociable than female ones.
3. Do you like to have an affectionate cat?
Not only are Maine Coons sociable, but they are also affectionate.
Loving as they are, a Maine Coon would show you its affection by snuggling against you, purring loudly, exposing its vulnerable belly, rubbing its head on your leg, or joining in your movie nights. It might even go to the extent of licking you to show its affection.
They are not necessarily lap cats; some Maine Coons are drawn towards an empty lap, while others are simply happy to have you by its side.
One thing for sure is that you’ll see and feel the affection of these angelic cats.
4. Do you like to have a sweet-tempered cat?
Your answer’s probably yes, but it’s good to check anyway. After all, some people do have a soft spot for moody cats with an occasional bad attitude.
You won’t find this in a Maine Coon, however!
Maine Coons are naturally sweet-tempered. They don’t typically bite or scratch. In fact, they are known to be totally non-aggressive.
These cats are absolutely the epitome of a gentle giant!
5. Are you able to give attention and affection to the cat?
We’ve already established that Maine Coons are sociable and loving. What does this mean for you then, as a cat owner?
To meet your Maine Coon’s emotional needs, you should be able to return this attention and affection to your cat.
Maine Coons cannot be left alone for days on end or they’d grow to be stressed or even depressed. Leaving them behind while you head out for work is fine, but it’s better if your house has companions for your Maine Coon, whether it’s in the form of other humans or other animals.
When you’re home, you should make time to interact with your Maine Coon; they would definitely appreciate you petting it, playing with it, or simply sitting beside it.
Take note that while Maine Coons may not demand constant attention and appear needy, they are certainly social cats that need to feel a connection with their loved ones.
6. Do you mind a talkative cat?
Maine Coons can be very talkative.
While they may not necessarily meow a lot, they tend to vocalize in the form of chirping or trilling (a combination of purring and meowing). A Maine Coon might chirp when it spots a bird at the window. It would trill simply because it’s feeling social and happy.
There are many other reasons why a Maine Coon is being talkative. It may vocalize as a form of greeting (i.e. a way to say “hello” to you). It may also learn to do so in order to get your attention, request a top-up of the food bowl, or ask you to do something like opening the door.
Maine Coons are not very loud, however, so there’s no need to worry about having a “noisy” cat. Also, some Maine Coons are not talkative at all. It really depends on their personality, so don’t sweat it if your Maine Coon turns out to be a quiet one.
If your Maine Coon is being abnormally talkative, or if its chirping or trilling sounds different than usual, take notice as something could be amiss. You should investigate, attempt to solve the problem or get your cat checked out at the vet.
7. Would you like to have an intelligent cat?
Many Maine Coon owners are struck by the level of intelligence shown by their Maine Coon to the extent that they describe their pet as “human-like”.
Some among this breed can come when called and be trained to do tricks like giving a high-five. They are also good at communicating their needs to humans and at the same time, they pay attention to you and possibly your emotions too.
You can understand this when a Maine Coon trills softly or bump its head on you when you’re feeling distressed.
Pierre´s Maine Coon, Maze : )
8. Do you have kids at home?
Whether or not you have kids at home doesn’t quite matter to a Maine Coon. However, it’s worth noting that this breed makes a good family pet due to their gentle nature.
Maine Coons have a lot of patience. They don’t mind being carried around. They are also forgiving when they are accidentally tripped on or being played with roughly.
This is why having a Maine Coon would be a good opportunity to teach kids how to treat animals with love and respect.
9. Do you have other pets at home?
Maine Coons tend to get along well with other pets, be it cats or dogs.
Friendly, good-natured and adaptable, a Maine Coon tends to be welcoming of other creatures in the house. This is much unlike many other breeds that can be extremely territorial.
For a Maine Coon, other pets would spell more friends and playmates! In fact, it’s actually a good idea to have other pets in the house with a Maine Coon to keep the sociable giant company all day.
However, it is still important to consider the personality of everyone involved and to introduce the animals properly in order to ensure that all goes smoothly.
Also, keep in mind that mixing Maine Coon with small pets like birds and hamsters would not be a good idea as a Maine Coon could still have its hunter’s instincts in them.
10. Can you make room in your house for an active cat?
Maine Coons are not hyperactive but they are quite energetic. In order to expend this excess energy, Maine Coons should have enough space to run or jump around.
That said, Maine Coons do not require a big home; they can be equally happy in a farmhouse or in an apartment. What they do need, however, is a setup that gives them enough room for a healthy lifestyle.
If you live in a small house, clear up some space where your Maine Coon can play chase or fetch (they really do love these games). The more room to run around, the better. You could also install some cat perches or trees so they can explore vertically.
And don’t mind your Maine Coon if it knocks things over while playing – their large size calls for some minor collateral damage sometimes.
Should your Maine Coon express an interest to explore outdoors, you should weigh the pros and cons seriously while deciding. The safest way to let your cat enjoy the grass and the sun would be in the backyard.
You could also slowly train your Maine Coon to walk on a leash so they can be brought for walks around the neighborhood.
11. Are you willing to buy or make toys?
Maine Coons love to play. Their child-like playful nature will remain in them throughout their lives. Therefore, it is essential for you to play with your Maine Coon.
If you are wondering what toys to get, you can first consider a cat mouse. Back in the days, Maine Coons are known as mouse catchers, so they’d love anything that fits the idea of hunting. You could also try crinkle ball toys or a cat teaser with feathers attached to a long string.
On top of exercising its body, you should also stimulate your Maine Coon’s mind with mentally challenging games. For example, you can buy a puzzle feeder, which is a device that dispenses food when a cat has solved a certain type of puzzle.
On a tight budget? Then create toys out of objects like boxes, yarn balls or toilet paper rolls. Be creative! As long as it’s safe for your cat, why not?
Another idea is to let your Maine Coon play with water. A quirk of this breed, Maine Coons are fascinated by water. So let them have a splash or get them a pet drinking fountain so they can watch the ripples.
If you’re wondering how often to play with your Maine Coon, around twenty minutes a day would be good. You can also follow your Maine Coon’s lead and pick up the toys whenever your cat gives you the signal.
While you can leave Maine Coons alone with their toys, these cats would lose interest after a while when they’re playing with themselves, so it’s always good that you join in.
By the way, if you are looking for some good toys for Maine Coons, this article will help you!
12. Are you willing to pay extra money for plus-sized cat accessories?
Due to the large bodies of Maine Coons, you’ll have to take extra care when purchasing items for them. Picking the right items could sometimes translate into paying more.
Here are some examples of what you’ll need:
A cat tree for large cats
When getting a cat tree, you will need a sturdy one that will not topple over with the weight of a Maine Coon, even when the cat is jumping on or off it. The cat tree also needs to have enough room for the cat to rest its body on.
Need specific ideas? Here’s the best cat tree for Maine Coons.
A scratching post for large cats
Along the same line of thought, a Maine Coon will require stable scratching posts.
They come in many forms, such as those that lie flat on the ground or those that can be fixed to the wall. You’ll need to take into account your Maine Coon’s body length to ensure that your cat can stretch and flex while it claws.
(Here are five best scratching posts for Maine Coons!)
A litter for large cats
To ensure that your Maine Coon is comfortable when doing its business, get a litter box that is large enough for your cat to move around and bury its poop. After all, you do not want your Maine Coon to make a mess outside of the litter box.
What’s the best Maine Coon litter box? This one!
Maze looks a little bit like an owl : )
13. Are you committed to grooming your cat?
This might come as a surprise, but a Maine Coon’s coat actually requires a little maintenance despite its fluff. That’s because their fur does not mat easily.
However, Maine Coons should still have a brushing session at least once a week to remove tangles and excess fur. It also helps to prevent the mess of hairballs. You can use a stainless steel comb and follow it up with one of these top brushes for Maine Coons.
Pay extra attention to the tummy and tail which are more prone to matting.
Apart from brushing, you may need to trim the tips of your Maine Coon’s claws when it gets too long. Cleaning your Maine Coon’s teeth with a cat toothbrush and toothpaste is also a good idea to keep dental problems at bay.
As to bathing your Maine Coon, you should do this as and when its fur looks like it needs a wash. You could do this more regularly – say, once a month – if your Maine Coon enjoys being in the tub. Otherwise, it’s not necessary to stress your cat with a routine shower.
14. Are you a responsible pet owner?
Last but not least, it’s important to determine that you will be a responsible cat owner before you actually adopt a Maine Coon.
Though it hardly needs to be said, Maine Coons require nutritious food and a steady supply of water. Not all cat food is equal. Some are better for this breed than the others, so you can definitely look into the best Maine Coon food here to give your cat well-balanced and healthy meals.
You will also need to ensure that your large cat does not end up overweight. This can easily happen if your Maine Coon overeats and do not exercise enough. When (or before) this happens, you’ll have to watch its diet and exercise routine.
On top of that, Maine Coon owners should educate themselves on breed-specific health problems such as spinal muscular atrophy, a paralysis that typically happens in kittens and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is when the feline’s heart wall thickens.
Of course, a veterinarian would be the best person to diagnose a Maine Coon with any illness, so the cat owner should schedule check-ups and keep a lookout for signs that their Maine Coon is unwell.
On top of their basic physical needs, these cats also require the extras like love, care, and attention – something we’ve already covered earlier.
15. Are you willing to adapt to your Maine Coon?
Last but not least, you need to be prepared that your Maine Coon does not check all the generic descriptions of the average Maine Coon cat.
After all, all cats are unique; there’s no sure-fire way to know that your Maine Coon will be just like what has been described on the internet.
You need to be willing to embrace your Maine Coon as it is… but chances are, this would hardly be a problem at all.
Are you ready for a Maine Coon?
So, you read all the questions. Tell us, are you ready for a Maine Coon? Or better, do you already have one? Let us know in the comment section below!
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