Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Should You Get A Male Or Female Maine Coon?

Should I get a male or female maine coon?Maine Coons are one of the most popular and sought-after cat breeds in the world. With their affectionate nature and outgoing personality, it is not difficult to see why these friendly felines continue to be one of the most coveted household pets in the market today.

If you are absolutely set on adopting or purchasing a Maine Coon cat, choosing which gender to get would probably be your biggest dilemma. Despite belonging to the same breed, male and female Maine Coons may differ greatly from each other. Apart from the obvious biological differences, there are also some distinct behavioral and social disparities between the two.

Having a cat is a long-term commitment, so apart from choosing the right breed—which you have probably done by now—it is also crucial to choose the right gender that suits your personality and lifestyle.

With this, let us explore the key differences between the two genders. At the end of the article, we will give you even more help and tell you the reasons that should make you get a male or a female.

Size and Weight Differences

Maine Coons are one of the largest cat breeds in the world. Despite looking pretty much the same, their size can actually differ depending on their gender. In general, male Maine Coons are larger in size and heavier in weight than female Maine Coons.

Male Maine Coons are likely to reach between 12 to 18 pounds, while their female counterparts tend to be on the “smaller” side at 8 to 12 pounds.

When getting a Maine Coon as a house pet, you also have to consider the amount of space that they would need as they grow up. As mentioned earlier, male Maine Coons tend to be larger in size, so naturally, they would need a much bigger space to move around at home.

Keep in mind that Maine Coons do not usually reach their full size until they are about 4 years old. You might find a Maine Coon kitten’s size doable, but later on once it reaches its full size, you might find it difficult to manage.

An inch or two makes a huge difference, especially if you’re living in a small space.

what is the difference between male and female maine coons?

No matter if male or female, a purebred Maine Coon will look like this one. (Both genders come in various colors)

Personality Differences

Apart from their size, male Maine Coons also happen to have bigger personalities than their female counterparts. Male Maine Coons tend to be more outgoing and social than female Maine Coons. They are more demanding for attention and require lots of stimulation and interaction.

Female Maine Coons, on the other hand, are more calm and collected. They are less demanding and have a more laid-back approach when it comes to social interactions.

Yes, they are also affectionate and friendly towards their human companions, but not to the same extent as the overly clingy male Maine Coons.

Female Maine Coons also tend to be a bit more cautious when it comes to being social around people, unlike male Maine Coons that love to be the center of attention.

When it comes to socializing, male Maine Coons tend to be close with just one human companion, whereas female Maine Coons have no difficulty being close to more than one family member.

So, it is very important to consider the number of people in your household who will be interacting with your new feline friend prior to getting one.

Activity Level

Male Maine Coons are likely to be more active during the day, whereas female Maine Coons tend to be more active at night. It is believed that cats conserve their energy during the day to prepare for their “hunt” at night.

In the wild, cats typically hunt their prey during the wee hours of the night. For some reason, domestic cats still retain this trait, so do not be surprised if you see your Maine Coon surveying your home and jumping all over the place past your bedtime.

Having an active cat at night can be the bane of your existence if you are not careful. Imagine you are slipping into a deep sleep and then all of a sudden, a 12-pound cat pounces on you and begs for attention.

So, when getting a female Maine Coon, this is one trait that you need to be aware of. The best thing to do in cases like this is to keep your cat well stimulated during the day, so that she gets tired enough to sleep at night.


The average lifespan of a Maine Coon cat ranges anywhere from 10 to 12 years. Some data even reports that these gentle giants can live up to 15 years, or even more.

Both male and female Maine Coons have the same life expectancy, but of course with proper diet, exercise and health care, they can live long and happy lives.

Health Issues

Maine Coons are generally a healthy breed, but they are susceptible to these diseases that can affect their quality of life. Nevertheless, with prompt treatment, proper care, and a healthy diet, these health conditions can be easily managed.

Here are some of them:

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Is a heart disease that is common in adult male Maine Coons. It occurs when the muscle walls of the cat’s heart thicken, which causes it to pump poorly. This condition can lead to congenital heart failure if not given prompt medical attention.

Hip Dysplasia

Is another common Maine Coon health problem. This condition occurs when the hip joint does not fit well into the hip socket. Hip Dysplasia is also more common in male Maine Coon cats as their heavyweight can add pressure on their hips.

Although not life-threatening, it can cause major discomfort to your cat which may significantly affect their mobility.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Is another genetic disease in Maine Coon cats wherein cysts in their kidneys develop. These cysts are typically present at birth, and they just grow and multiply in their kidneys as they get older.

Both Maine Coon genders are predisposed to this condition, which can be worsened by a high protein and sodium diet.

Are male maine coons better than female maine coons?

Pierre´s Maine Coon, Maze (Female). Some female Maine Coons have slightly smaller snouts than males. However, it always depends on the kitten´s parents. If you want your Maine Coon to have a certain look, have a look at her parents first.

Cost of Purchase

Maine Coons are considerably pricey cats. The average price of a purebred Maine Coon is around $1000 and goes up to more than $2000, depending on its quality.

The cheapest Maine Coon cat you can buy would probably cost you around $400, but typically Maine Coons at this price range are not purebred.

Unspayed female cats are generally more expensive than their spayed counterparts, as they have the ability to reproduce. Maine Coon cats sold for breeding purposes are much more expensive and are usually worth more than $1000.

On the other hand, both spayed and neutered Maine Coons should not have a significant price difference, since both are not capable of reproducing.

Maine Coon kittens are also more expensive than their adult counterparts, regardless of their gender. Older Coons go for an average of $600 but can be more expensive in the long run as they may require special medical attention for their age-related health conditions.

Cost of Owning a Male Maine Coon

When buying an unneutered male Maine Coon, you need to take into account the cost of neutering your cat.

Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your cat is important as it helps decrease undesirable behaviors such as being aggressive towards other cats, urine spraying, and roaming. It can also help prevent testicular cancer and other prostate problems.

The cost of neutering a cat varies from vet to vet and where you are located. In general, neutering your cat would set you back around $200 when done at a private veterinary clinic.

If you are in a tight budget, non-profit organizations typically charge less than $100 for neuter surgeries.

Cost of Owning a Female Maine Coon

Similarly, when buying an unspayed female Maine Coon, you also have to consider the cost of spaying your cat. Apart from having unwanted litters, spaying your cat can also help get rid of unpleasant behaviors associated with females in heat.

It can also help eliminate the risk of developing mammary cancer and pyometra—a fatal infection of the uterus.

In general, spaying is more expensive than neutering. The exact cost also varies, but expect to shell out around $300 to $500 for such procedure. Less expensive options also include having it done by a non-profit spaying service.

You should get a male Maine Coon if…

  • You do not mind having a huge and heavy cat.
  • You have a big space at home for your cat to move around.
  • You want a clingy and outgoing cat.
  • You are willing to spend a lot of time with your cat.
  • You do not live in a busy household.
  • You want a Maine Coon cat, but you are not willing to spend a higher price for the cat.

You should get a female Maine Coon if…

  • You are into big cats.
  • You are okay with a cat that is slightly more active at night.
  • You want an affectionate cat, but not the overly clingy type.
  • You live in a big household.
  • You plan to breed Maine Coons.
  • You do not mind paying a higher price for the cat.

Still not sure about which gender you should get?

Despite having some behavioral differences between male and female Maine Coons, their gender doesn’t really matter when it comes to choosing the “perfect” pet.

Apart from genetics, their upbringing and environment also play a major influence on their temperament, so as their owner you have a significant role on how your cat will turn out.

Just like us humans, Maine Coons have their own unique personalities, regardless of their gender. Either way, you’ll be sure to have a wonderful gentle giant of a companion as both male and female Maine Coons are equally affectionate and loving to their hoomans.

While cats are stereotyped as independent creatures, Maine Coons do not like being left alone. They are highly social and can’t be left alone for long periods of time. Leaving them alone can cause them to experience stress and even depression.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to buy Maine Coons in pairs. If that is not possible, you need to have at least another pet cat (or even dog) at home to keep your feline some company.

Related Questions

Are male or female Maine Coon cats more affectionate? While both genders are considered affectionate, male Maine Coons tend to be clingier to their human companions compared to their female counterparts. However, male Maine Coons are likely to be close to only one person.

Are Maine Coons good family pets? Maine Coons, especially female Maine Coons, make excellent pets for a big household. They are sweet, good-natured, and have no problems being close to more than one human companion. Maine Coons, in general, get along well with families with children and other pets—even dogs.

Are Maine Coon cats lap cats? Maine Coons are regarded as one of the friendliest cat breeds, but they cannot be generalized as lap cats. Majority of male Coons love being constantly held and petted, while most female Coons prefer to sit beside their humans, or perhaps somewhere nearby. 

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