Friday, August 16, 2019

Siamese Cats Can Get Jealous – Here Is What To Do

do siamese cats get jealous?The beautiful Siamese is a highly social and affectionate cat that bonds deeply with its people. And while this is one of the most popular cat breeds, the highly attention-seeking and demanding Siamese can be possessive and a handful for inexperienced owners.

So, do Siamese cats get jealous? The answer is yes! Siamese cats are famous for having jealousy streaks and may even become forceful if they don’t receive the attention they demand. Although they make excellent pets, you need to keep this trait in mind and give your Siamese the attention and affection it craves.

Read on to find out why do Siamese cats get jealous, what are the signs of this behavior, and what you can do to stop it!

Why Do Siamese Cats Get Jealous?

Like other oriental breeds, the Siamese is considered to be a very jealous cat who likes to be in the center of attention. Your Siamese will do just about anything to get your attention and will practically force itself on you for a few extra cuddles.

And if by any chance you aren’t in a position to meet your cat’s demands right this second, be prepared for a full-blown jealousy fit.

Keep in mind that feline jealousy also depends on a cat’s personality, upbringing, level of socialization, and overall interaction with its owner.

Let’s take a look at a few common reasons behind Siamese jealous feelings:


Some cats are naturally more suspicious which makes it harder for them to believe in your unconditional love. Insecurity is commonly seen in adopted Siamese cats who were mistreated by their previous owner.

In these cases, a cat may feel unconvinced that it won’t also lose your affection and will be jealous of other pets, people, or even inanimate objects.

Lack of proper socialization

Siamese cats that haven’t been properly socialized from a young age can easily become jealous. When faced with other pets or people a cat will perceive them as competition for your attention and may act improperly because it was never taught better.

Lack of enough bonding time

The Siamese is a highly social cat that needs daily interaction with its owner. But with so many other commitments it’s not uncommon for owners to skip a few training or playing sessions with their cat.

On the other hand, your Siamese will keep a track of how much bonding time you have spent with her and will become jealous and act out if it feels left out or ignored.

Other pets

It’s not uncommon for Siamese cats to perceive any other pets as “rivals”. As far as your cat is concerned these other pets are preventing her from being the center of your world.

Consequently, the Siamese may become territorial or aggressive even for the smallest sign of affection directed to your other pets.what to do with a jealous siamese cat?

Signs That Your Siamese Cat Is Jealous

Jealousy is tough to hide for both humans and cats, and you will certainly notice behavioral changes that will indicate that something is wrong with your Siamese. Keep in mind, that your cat may not always act out when jealous, but when it does, the spectacle will be hard to miss.

1. Aggression

Aggressive behavior such as hissing, biting, scratching, and attacking you, another person, pet, or inanimate object which triggered the jealousy is common for Siamese cats.

You cat may also exhibit unwanted behavior such as peeing outside the litter box or may start scratching the furniture.

The Siamese will use any means necessary to get revenge for the way it is feeling. Basically, your cat thinks that by attacking it will make her point clear.

2. Depression

A jealous Siamese cat may start acting lethargic, shy, and depressed because it feels self-conscious. Insecure cats may feel like the owner’s love is about to be withdrawn permanently, for any number of reasons, and this causes them to become depressed and anxious.

3. Fawning

Fawning is a common type of jealous behavior seen in Siamese cats. Your cat will purr, rub against you, meow excessively, and plead just to get your attention.

While watching this behavior can be cute and fun, you shouldn’t encourage it by purposefully denying your cat attention and affection.

How To Prevent Jealous Behavior In Siamese Cats

Best known for their great looks and attention-seeking nature, Siamese cats make excellent pets and will be a great addition to any home. When it comes to this breed, what you see is what you get!

It is true that your Siamese will demand a lot of attention, but if you are willing to make an effort and interact with her every day, chances are that you won’t have to deal with unjustified jealousy fits.

When it comes to multi-cat households getting the balance right is the key. Your Siamese may act out if it senses that another cat is favored.

In cases like this, it is vital that you spend an equal amount of time with all cats, and if you have a favorite do your best to hide it. Also, it may be a good idea to set aside regular playtime and have enough toys for all your cats.

In some cases, a Siamese will also experience jealousy over food and toys and can start behaving aggressively towards other household cats. It is best that you set up separate feeding stations and keep your cats in two different rooms during meal times.

When it comes to dealing with a jealous Siamese, most people think that scolding the cat will teach her how to behave, but this approach is completely counterproductive.

It is much more helpful to take your cat aside and give her some affection.

Instead of reinforcing your cat’s insecurities, a demonstration of love can calm her and show her that there is no need to assert her dominance over other household pets, guests, or items.

Once you return the jealous Siamese in the main area, it may be appropriate to use a harsh tone and say a command “no” if the jealous behavior continues. Repeating this process is proven to be very effective when encouraging behavioral modification and dealing with jealous cats.

Related Questions

Do Siamese cats get along with other Siamese? The Siamese gets along great with other pets including cats and dogs. Getting two Siamese cats is a great option since they will understand and keep each other company. Keep in mind that male and female cats get along better than two cats of the same gender and won’t fight over dominance.

Do Siamese cats need companions? The highly social and people-oriented Siamese doesn’t like being at home alone and will appreciate having a companion. Depending on your cat’s personality and level of socialization you can opt for another cat or even get a dog. Or you can be your cat’s companion if you are home a lot.

Are Siamese cats naturally aggressive? Siamese cats tend to bond very strongly to their people and can become quite territorial about them. They are also dominant and may become aggressive towards other pets or people who aren’t clear about the pecking order. They won’t use force if it isn’t necessary and won’t attack without a good reason.

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