Wednesday, October 9, 2019

6 Reasons Why Your Persian Cat Is So Lazy

why is my persian cat so lazy?Persian owners know their cats are better suited to sit atop a velvet throne, not a cat bed. This breed is not only noble-looking, but they also act like royalty. They do not enjoy hard work and want you to care for them. This behavior leaves owners wondering is their cats are so inactive. 

Why is my Persian cat so lazy? In short, it’s just the way they are. It has earned them the nickname furniture with fur. Persian cats are predisposed to this trait. Many factors contribute to this such as genetics, history, and lifestyle. 

Keep reading to learn more about the factors that contribute to your Persian’s lazy disposition.

1. They are designed to be lazy

Laziness is in your Persian’s bones- literally! They are sturdy and stocky with short heavily boned legs. Their physical structure is not designed for running, jumping, and climbing. They prefer to keep all four paws on the ground.

Additionally, their coats are not designed for a large amount of activity. Persian cats have long, silky fur. They require human assistance for proper maintenance. The more physical Persians are, the more likely their coats will get matted and soiled. 

2. They are known for laid-back personalities

Some cat breeds are brimming with energy, and some are not. Persians are on the low energy end of that spectrum. They are commonly described as being calm, loving, and never aggressive. Persians prefer sleeping on your lap to chasing toys. 

These cats don’t often act up. However, they can have a personality change if you disturb their nap time, or if they want your attention ASAP. 

3. Their ancestors were raised to be lazy

This popular cat breed dates back to the 1600s. It is believed they were brought to Europe from Persia (now known as Iran). Royalty and other wealthy individuals became enamored with these cats. This led to the Persian breed living a luxurious life. 

For centuries, this cat breed has lived like kings. They were raised to lead quiet, work-free lives. Today, they are still considered an elegant, pampered breed. 

4. Your cat is conserving its energy 

Part of your Persian cat’s apparent laziness may not be due to laziness at all. Like all cat breeds, Persians rest throughout most of the day to conserve precious energy. 

This is an instinctual behavior that stems from evolution. In the wild, cats hunt for prey at dawn and dusk. There is a lot of work to do during a short period. These wild cats can not afford to waste a minute when it comes to catching some dinner. 

To ensure they are in top hunting condition, they rest for a majority of the day. When it is time to hunt, they are fully prepared. 

Although Persians have been pampered for centuries, old habits die hard. It is instinct for them to conserve energy, even though they do not have to hunt. are persian cats lazy?

5. They are active when you are not around

Perhaps your Persian cat expends its energy when you aren’t looking. Since cats are crepuscular, they are most active at dawn and dusk. This means your cat can be full of energy in the wee hours of the morning, which sometimes wakes us up way before our alarms sound.

Your Persian may also have a burst of energy in the early evening during your rush hour commute home. 

Also, cats can adjust to our sleep schedules. If they sleep most of the night, they will probably be awake during the day when you are likely not at home. If you are curious as to how your cat spends its alone time, invest in a pet camera. 

6. They are a middle-aged or a senior cat 

Age plays a big part in your cat’s level of activity. If it seems your Persian gets lazier as the years go by, it is not your imagination. It is normal for a cat’s behavior to change in time. 

Persians are considered middle-aged from 7-10 years of age. They still have energy, but will not be as full of energy as they once were. You may start to notice your cat napping more as it enters this life stage.

At 11-14 years of age, your cat is considered a senior. During this life stage, extra napping is very apparent. Senior cats may also be less active because this is when health can decline. Your Persian’s sight and hearing will not be as sharp as it once was. 

Remember that cats are like humans; when we age, we lose some energy but it does not make us any less lovable. 

When laziness becomes an issue

It is normal for your Persian to be lazy but sometimes, health issues are to blame. Persian owners need to know what constitutes abnormal behavior. It is more difficult to detect health issues in a naturally sluggish cat, but with vigilance, problems can be quickly detected. 

Listed below you’ll find common health issues often mistaken for laziness. 

Your cat is sleeping too much

Persian cats sleep between 12-16 hours a day in their prime. Kittens and older cats can sleep up to 2 hours a day. If you notice your Persian sleeping more than normal for its age range, something could be wrong.

It is difficult to know why your cat is sleeping more than normal. Keep an eye out for other new symptoms. 

Your cat has trouble moving

Limited mobility is often confused with laziness in cats. But unfortunately, some cats that want to move simply can’t. 

The main culprit, which often affects older cats, is arthritis. This is caused by joint inflammation. It is painful for cats with arthritis to move, so they become less mobile. Other signs of arthritis include stiffness, limited flexibility, and joint swelling. 

Other less common issues that can lead to immobility include muscle degeneration, a decrease in vision, injuries, and ingrown nails. 

Your cat is bored  

Independence is one of a cat’s best qualities. However, they still require plenty of attention. Persian cats, in particular, crave interaction with their humans. If your cat is understimulated, it can grow bored. Many cats try to fill this boredom void with extra sleep. 

Actively letting your cat grow bored can lead to issues such as depression, which is not as easy to fix. Depression is often accompanied by anxiety, a change in eating habits, and different sleeping patterns. 

Thankfully, boredom is easily remedied. Set aside time to spend with your cat. Your Persian will love some grooming, playtime, or cuddles. Buy your cat some new, interactive toys to use when you’re not home. If your Persian likes a window view, invest in some cat perches. 

Related Questions

How long do Persian cats live? On average, a Perisian cat lives 10 to 17 years. Unfortunately, they are not known for their longevity. To ensure your Persian lives a long life, go for regular vet visits, maintain proper nutrition, help your cat exercise, and provide lots of love.

Do Persian cats meow a lot? This breed is generally known for being quiet, but some Persian owners report having quite vocal cats. It all depends on their personality. Persians are known for having sweet, gentle sounding meows and will most commonly be vocal when they want you to fill their food bowl. 

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