Thursday, October 10, 2019

Do Persian Cats Drool? Normal And Abnormal Drooling

Do persian cats drool?Do you also happen to have a fluffy flat-faced family member with bulging eyes and a long coat? If yes, then you probably know that I’m talking about Persian cats. These cute little creatures can quickly turn into a hot mess if they start drooling excessively!

Do Persian cats drool? Besides their many cute habits, such as following you around when they’re hungry or their desperate-for-attention “feed me hooman!” look, Persian cats tend to drool often. This usually happens when they are purring or kneading and indicates that they are happy and content!

Although drooling is common in Persian cats, excessive drooling can be a sign of an underlying oral or health problem. You might be wondering how do you tell the two situations apart?

Let’s look into the reasons why they drool so you can easily figure out whether the drooling is a sign of relaxation and contentment or an indication of an underlying health condition.

Why Do Persian Cats drool?

They drool because they’re happy! As surprising as that might sound (because cats are famous for being ungrateful creatures), drooling is your Persian cat’s way of showing that they’re relaxed and happy.

If, at times, you find your sleeves or your bed covers wet after your Persian cat curled up in bed with you, do not worry, instead, be content that your cat is happy!

Here are some of the most common reasons why your Persian cat tends to drool sometimes:

1) A Great Diet

Yes, a good diet can cause your furry little friend to drool! This the most important factor related to your cat’s wellbeing and happiness.

A good diet does not only make your cat happy, but it also ensures that your cat lives a long and healthy life.

A balanced diet should include the right amount of carbs, proteins, and fats – and if your cat has a great diet then their drooling just indicates that they are living the best life!

2) Plenty of Love and Affection

Cats are known for their boastful attitudes. They often play hard to get, but they desperately want your attention!

And if you have been showering your cat with plenty of love and affection, then this would explain why your feline friend has been drooling like crazy.

From amazing belly rubs to gentle loving strokes, your Persian cat will respond to this huge amount of love by drooling, which is a sign that they like and appreciate you giving them attention.

3) Lots of Exercise and Playtime

Irrespective of their breed, most cats love to play – especially when they are kittens. Playing with your cat or indulging them in various exercises could cause them to drool.

This also indicates that they are happy doing these activities with you. Cats are usually territorial, so it’s best if you take out some time and play with them yourself rather than introducing them to other cats (except for the ones you already have at home) – which could also lead to excessive drooling!

Cats also tend to drool when playing with toys. Just throw in some cute little toys or shopping bags, balls of yarn, and fake mouses and watch them go crazy!

For a cat owner, there is nothing more satisfying than developing a good bond with their furbaby.

However, if the drooling gets excessive, there may be a chance that your pet pal is suffering from an underlying health condition.

Before getting tensed and rushing to the vet immediately, read further to find out the causes of excessive drooling.Why is my persian cat drooling so much?

Why is my Persian Cat Drooling Excessively?

At times, excessive salivation can be a sign of an underlying health issue, including:

1) Nausea

Cats often drool a lot when they feel nauseous, or when they have been vomiting for more than a day.

This nausea and vomiting can be a symptom of some other problem, such as kidney/liver disease, gastrointestinal inflammation, worms, etc.

It is best to analyze the symptoms first, and then consult your vet.

2) Foreign Objects

Foreign objects stuck in your cat’s mouth or esophagus can also cause drooling. These objects include toy parts, strings, or even pieces of raw meat.

If you notice that your cat is drooling more than usual, examine its mouth for any foreign object. In case you find one, we’d recommend that you visit the vet to get it out instead of trying it out yourself, as pulling it out yourself can be dangerous for you as well as your pet.

3) Oral or Gum Disease

This is perhaps the most common cause of excessive drooling in cats. Cats can develop a variety of oral or gum diseases that go unnoticed until they start causing pain, or become physically visible.

These include tartar buildup and swollen or bleeding gums due to gingivitis. More serious health conditions, such as mouth ulcers and tumors, can also be a cause of excessive salivation.

In order to avoid these problems, clean your cat’s teeth regularly. However, if the disease has progressed, you will have to consult a vet.

4) Trauma

Another cause of excessive salivation is injuries to the mouth. These can be of many types, including oral burns from chewing electrical wires, a broken jaw, and other oral wounds from catfights.

Sometimes these injuries might not be visible, so you need to keep a strict check on your Persian cat.

5) Toxin Exposure

Cats have a habit of smelling and licking anything that is new and/or unusual in their surroundings. At times, this habit exposes them to toxic or poisonous substances and lead to excessive drooling.

The most common example of toxic substances is paint, so if you’re planning to get your home repainted, make sure that your cat does not go anywhere near it or else your furbaby can fall sick!

How to Prevent Excessive Drooling in Persian Cats

Unfortunately, since there are many causes of excessive drooling, there is no definite answer to this question; but here are some general tips to avoid too much salivation in cats:

1) Clean Your Cat’s Teeth Regularly

This does not only help in avoiding oral and gum diseases, but it also helps in maintaining good hygiene. Buy a cat toothbrush and toothpaste, and feed your cat raw meat at times, as it helps with the cleaning, too.

2) Keep a Check on Your Cat

Look out for any unusual movements or activities. If you notice your cat drooling for the first time, keep it under strict observation for 2 days and then take action.

3)If the Symptoms are too Severe, Rush to the Vet Immediately

Remember that cats are experts in hiding illnesses, so you might not find out what’s wrong until the illness has progressed to a great extent.

Related Questions

Is the saliva cats produce harmful for humans?

Cat saliva contains a compound named Capnocytophaga, which is not harmful to humans or other household pets. Therefore, close contact with cats (including wounds such as a cat bite) rarely results in illness.

Can cats fart?

Yes, cats do tend to fart but not quite often. It totally depends on their diet, if their carbohydrate intake (usually found in inexpensive cat food) is high, they may end up farting more often. Gas problems can be avoided by changing the cat food.

Is the saliva cats produce clean?

Cat saliva is known to contain enzymes that act as natural antibiotics. This is the reason why they lick themselves quite often to keep any suspected wounds clean. Make sure to seek help from a vet if the wound is serious.

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