Friday, March 6, 2020

6 Reasons Why Your Siamese Cat Is So Skittish

Why is my siamese cat so skittish?Siamese cats are notorious for their playfulness towards their owners. Definitely, they are one of the best cat breeds for those who want to have companion cats. However, there are instances where they just seem to not be able to calm down. So why is your Siamese cat so skittish?

It can be due to their never-ending playfulness but at the same time, it can be due to their anxiety. The reality is, Siamese cats are one of the most anxious cat breeds. Therefore, you should be able to see the signs to know if the skittish behavior of your Siamese cat is normal.

In this article, we are going to discuss the different reasons why your Siamese cat is so skittish. Additionally, we will also give you some tips and tricks on how to correct this behavior when it becomes bothersome for you.

Gone are the days when you will get worried when your cat does not calm down, so read on!

Personality Of Siamese Cats

Before we talk about the different reasons why your Siamese cat is so skittish, let us first go over the general personality of Siamese cats. In this way, you can somehow gauge if the skittishness of your cat is normal or something that you should be alarmed about.

“We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you do not please”

These lines were sung by the Siamese cats in the movie Lady and the Tramp and this is such a perfect description of their personality.

Siamese cats are opinionated and very talkative. Definitely, they will not hesitate to tell you what is on their minds and they will express this via their raspy and loud meows.

They demand your full attention and they will want you to follow their “advice.” You might think that this is such a pushy behavior but it is the opposite. In fact, they are very fond of people and they can even supervise your activities.

A siamese cat will follow you around and settle down where you sat. Moreover, they will love to sleep with you, cuddled against those warm blankets. With that said, they hate being left alone.

They can manage for your day of work, but they will get anxious when you leave them for far too long.

Also, they are very intelligent so they need a lot of stimulation. They also love to play so make sure to give them a lot of time and toys. In the event that you leave them without some form of entertainment, you might just come home with toilet paper around your living room. Yikes!

Why Is My Siamese Cat So Skittish: The Reasons

Let us now take a look at the possible reasons why your Siamese cat is so skittish. We also included some tips on how to stop this behavior, so be on the lookout for those!

1. Everything Is New

We are all familiar with this scenario, you just took home your Siamese cat and the minute you put him down, he goes rushing to every room of the house. The opposite can also happen, where he will just stay rooted on the ground.

When these two things happen, you do not have anything to worry about. He is just getting a feel of his new environment. It is best to just let him be or supervise whatever it is that he is checking out.

If he is just frozen in one spot, try to assure him that he is safe and that you are there. This will also help in establishing your bond with him.

The same goes when you move to a new apartment or house. So never force your Siamese cat to settle down or push him to be energetic. Eventually, he will come around.How to calm down a skittish Siamese cat

2. Lack Of Stimulation

“Hooman, where are my toys?”

This might be the statement of your Siamese cat if there are not enough things to keep him occupied. Just like what we mentioned before, they are highly intelligent and playful. Therefore, they need the means to exercise these traits.

This can be done by playing with them so they also get exercise. Further, you can get them toys where they need to figure out how they can get a cat treat out.

Siamese cats are also known to play fetch like a dog. So take advantage of this to spend his excess energy. At the same time, while playing this with him, you get to bond with him.

3. They Are Being Ignored

As they are social cats, they love to engage in conversation and be at the center of attention. Therefore, if they feel like they are being ignored, they will surely do all things to capture your attention again.

They may end up wreaking havoc or the exact opposite, where they will just be withdrawn and hide somewhere.

The simple solution? Devote time to him or her. Always make sure that no matter how busy you get, you always set aside time to play or simply talk with them. This also includes the times when he or she keeps meowing at you as if they are narrating what happened during their day.

Listen to them and make sure that you respond. It may sound silly as you do not exactly know what they are saying, but they will appreciate it.

4. Lack Of Basic Needs

This is where you really have to observe when your Siamese cats become skittish because they might be telling you something. Siamese cats are known for vocalizing if there is something off in terms of providing for their needs.

For example, they may keep on being energetic and meowing right after feeding them. This may be a sign that they are still hungry and you have to give them more.

More than that, if you notice that they become anxious or excited after pooping, they might be saying that their litter is full or it needs to be cleaned.

This is what is great about Siamese cats because they will tell you right then and there what they exactly want from you. The key is understanding what they are trying to say behind their skittish behavior.

5. They Want To Annoy You

As negative as that sounds, it is highly possible. The reason behind this is that they are so intelligent so they will deliberately do things that you have previously taught them not to do.

You might notice that they will become skittish while you are training them. For others, they do the “water trick” where they will spray some water to their cats in order to dissuade negative behaviors. When you do this to your Siamese cat, you will notice that they will become skittish.

What is worse is that they will deliberately continue doing the negative behavior. This is why in training these intelligent cats, you first have to earn their respect. Further, positive reinforcement training is better than corrective training.

6. They Were Abused In The Past

If you adopted your Siamese cat (thank you for choosing to adopt!) you might notice that he is skittish. This is nothing to be alarmed about since it is expected for him to be wary of people and his surroundings.

He might have come from a household that hurt or ignored him, so he does not have enough self-esteem. As we have already established, they are very emotional and social cats so you have to make sure that you build your relationship with them before training them.

A good thing to do is to spend at least 30 minutes with him a day. You can talk to him while stroking him. In turn, he will think that you are someone he can trust and can provide for his needs. Slowly but surely, you will notice that his skittishness will disappear.

Related Questions

How do you get a skittish cat to trust you? The best way to make your Siamese cat trust you is to spend a lot of time with him. It can be through play or just plainly lounging with him. Also, make sure that you provide all his basic needs. Lastly, always talk to him.

Do Siamese cats get depressed? Yes, they are one of the cat breeds that can develop serious emotional and mental issues, especially when they get ignored for far too long. They may become skittish or totally withdrawn. So always spend time with them as they constantly need your undivided attention.

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