Thursday, October 10, 2019

Are Persian Cats Affectionate? 8 Ways They Show Affection

Are Persian Cats Affectionate?Persian cats, with their glamorous, long-haired coats and sweet faces, are an instantly recognizable breed, and they are often the first breed of choice when getting a cat.

Persian cats are a very affectionate breed and aren’t afraid to show affection to the people that they love and trust. They usually get along well with children, pets, and even guests. Quite sociable, but never the life of the party, Persians make for an unassuming and perfect feline companion.   

Sometimes jokingly called “furniture with fur”, Persian cats are the glamorous kings and queens of the cat world who love to be admired while they lounge about their palace.

Although Persians are quiet cats, they do love getting the attention they deserve! Of course, they’ll also share some affection with their owners and beloved humans.

Persian cats show affection in different ways. It is necessary to know what these are and what to expect when you bring your Persian home for the first time. This will not only help you understand your Persian cat better, but also bond with them.

While bonding with your cat can happen through play and grooming (and these long-haired beauties need to be groomed daily), don’t be surprised if your Persian quickly starts to show you affection after you bring them to their new home.

How Do Persian Cats Show Affection?

Described as “dignified”, “docile”, and “sedate”, you’ll find that your Persian cat shows their affection in various ways – which don’t include showing their love of your drapes by climbing up them. In fact, Persian cats are one of the cat breeds that aren’t too active most of the time.

Don’t think that you’re doing something wrong because your Persian is so laid back, though – it’s completely in their nature. Plus, you get to have some exercise yourself when you play and bond with them!

Here is how Persian cats show affection and trust.

1. Purring

A sure sign that your cat is in a good mood or enjoying something is purring — and Persian cats are notorious purring machines! You’ll often find that your Persian will purr while they’re being groomed or petted.

Sometimes — at least, so it seems — Persians will even purr because their food tastes good or because it’s a beautiful day. Of course, who can argue that sleeping in a spot of sunlight isn’t pure bliss?

2. Kneading

As kittens, cats instinctively knead their mother’s belly to stimulate the mother’s milk production. They forever associate this rewarding and comfort and keep doing it throughout their lives when they are contented.

Kneading also often goes hand in hand with purring and can either take the form of kneading a blanket or upholstery or even the lap of the person they’re sitting on. Kneading also shows that your cat is very relaxed and showing you some love as well.

The kneading usually intensifies as they get more and more relaxed, and your Persian will press harder with their paws. Although this can sometimes hurt, it’s important not to scold them for this behavior as they don’t realize that they’re hurting you.

Persian cats knead quite a lot, so we can only tell you to be prepared to be kneaded with some very fluffy paws!How do persian cats show affection?

3. Letting their tails do the talking

If you keep an eye on your cat’s body language, especially their tail, you can tell a lot about their emotional state.

Cats use their tails for communicating not only with other cats and pets but also with their owners. While a swiftly lashing tail means that they’re irritated or angry, twitching of the tip of their tail shows affection.

If you see that their tail is twitching, you know that your feline is ready to be shown some love and will usually purr as soon as they get attention. This behavior will often be accompanied by cheek rubbing and head bunting.

4. Cheek rubbing and head bunting

You will also find that your cat rubs you with their cheeks or push their forehead against you softly (called “bunting”). This is a sure sign of affection and communication with you.

All cats have a number of scent glands on their heads and neck. These glands are located around the mouth, chin, sides of the face, on the neck, and at their ears.

By brushing their face or neck against you, your cat is actually marking you as theirs as they leave their scent behind when they do this. This is a sign not only of love and bonding but also of trust. 

5. Spending time with you

Because of their docile nature, your Persian will sit with you or lounge on your lap as the mood takes them — much like all cats follow their own rules and timing. However, your cat spending time with you is a definite sign of affection.

However, you should not limit your time spent with your Persian to only the times that they come to you for attention. This is because Persian cats aren’t the most active of breeds and need a little help when it comes to staying active and healthy.

Setting up a routine playtime is perfect not just for bonding, but also for keeping your feline fit. Persians, when they are playing, seem more like kittens even when they are grown up!

Keep your Persian entertained with catnip mice and fish, puzzle balls, and even a ribbon or two.

6. “Talking” to you

Although Persian cats are not as talkative as, for example, Siamese cats, they do still love a conversation with their owners (or other favorite humans) when they are in the mood.

You’ll find that your Persian has a soft, sweet voice and usually “talks” to you in small meows and purrs. If you’re lucky, you’ll even get a trill or chirp from them.

These trills and chirps are small sounds that also show affection and is not your typical “hello” that you may get. It’s more like “hello, best friend”!

7. Eye contact and slow blinks

The other common way in which Persian cats show affection is by giving you the slow blink. Your cat will hold eye contact for a few moments before blinking slowly.

In Persians, these slow blinks are often accompanied by some more purring – we did say that they’re purring machines!

8. Licks and grooming

If your Persian cat gives you small licks and grooms (washes) your hand, arm, or even hair, they are showing you affection and that they trust you. If you have more than one cat and they have a bond, they will also often groom each other.

Of course, once you show your Persian cat affection and earn their trust, you’ll find that they return it tenfold — it’s definitely not just a one-way relationship!

Related questions:

Are Persian Cats Very Playful?

Persian cats, while having bouts when even the adults run around like kittens, are not the most active of cats. In fact, Persians are even called “furniture with fur” by some! Because of their ability to be inactive, they can sometimes develop weight problems, so it’s a good idea to have a playtime routine with your Persian.

Are Persian Cats Aggressive?

No, Persian cats are not considered to be one of the aggressive cat breeds. In fact, they are very laid back and get along well with most people and pets. Remember, though, that kittens tend to play too aggressively at first.

Are Persian Cats Very Loud?

Persian cats aren’t overly vocal, and when they do meow, it is usually in a soft, pleasant voice. Persians definitely don’t have the same yowling voice volume as Siamese or have long conversations like Burmese and Maine Coon cats.

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