Thursday, October 10, 2019

Do Persian Cats Scratch Furniture? 4 Things You Can Do!

Do persian cats scratch furniture?Cats are amazing, intelligent creatures – period. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously deluded. While all cats are amazing, Persians undoubtedly take the cake when it comes to being one of the most sought after and adored of all feline breeds. However, along with their charming personality comes their innate need for scratching!

Do Persian cats scratch furniture? Yes, they do. Just like any other cat breed, Persians have this inborn instinct to scratch. Domesticated or wild, a cat’s gonna scratch. It’s just how they’re programmed. And in most homes, the furniture pieces, unfortunately, become the victim of this scratching.

So, if you’re the proud owner of a Persian cat and are looking for ways to save your poor furniture from the wrath of your kitty’s claws, this article is just for you!

Not only have we compiled a list of ways you can discourage your feline from scratching up valuable furniture, we have also explained the reasons behind a cat’s need to scratch. Read on to find out more!

Why Does My Persian Cat Scratch Furniture?

No, your Persian cat doesn’t just disembowel your expensive couch simply because it wants to drive you to frustration, even though it might feel like that at times.

There are quite a few reasons why your furry feline feels compelled to give the sofa a good ol’ scratching up. Here are some of them:

1. Marking territory

Being the incredibly territorial creatures that they are, cats leave scratches on furniture as a signal to other felines in the area, indicating ownership over that area.

Cats aren’t particularly charitable when it comes to sharing their space, and the visual and olfactory markers they leave while scratching serve as a warning for other cats to stay away from their turf.

2. Sharpening Claws

Scratching also serves as a way for cats to groom themselves by sharpening their claws.

The scratching movements help remove the older, worn-out layer of the nail, thus giving way to the new, sharper inner claw.

3. Play and Exercise

Your Persian feline companion has an incredibly playful and excitable nature and hence needs an outlet to release all of his pent up energy.

And guess what? Your expensive furniture is the best way to do that (or so your cat seems to think). So who cares if you paid a hefty amount for that table?

Hint: it’s not your cat, because cats love using furniture as a way to keep themselves busy and entertained, and it also helps them release stress.

Moreover, they also use it to exercise by stretching out their backs and arms. Never mind the total annihilation of your hard-earned bucks.what can i do to prevent my persian cat from scratching furniture?

What Can I Do to Prevent Them from Destroying My Furniture?

1. Get Your Cat Enough Toys

Your Persian is always on the lookout for something entertaining to busy itself with. If they do not find enough toys or get bored with the toys they do have, they’ll resort to seeking entertainment in shredding your furniture to bits.

Make sure that your ball of fur has a variety of toys to divert their attention (and energy) with, and your furniture will be spared.

2. Use Duct Tape

Cats loath sticky things, especially on their claws. No wonder with the amount of time they spend grooming themselves, who would want to get tacky.

Use this to your advantage by covering the surface of the area they like to scratch with double-sided duct tape.

This, coupled with other techniques, will soon teach your cat to avoid these surfaces and find clawing solace in other places instead, like their scratching posts.

3. Trim Their Nails

Your cat’s nails need to be trimmed every 2-3 weeks, or as needed (if you don’t use a scratching post – we will come to that). Remember though, the paws are one of the most sensitive parts of a cat’s body and need to be handled gently.

As you would with a baby, it’s better to trim a cat’s nails while it’s napping. Be careful that you only trim the sharp end of the cat’s claws, as that’s the area that’s more likely to get caught up in fabric and rupture it.

Try to make sure that the entire process is painless for your kitty, or otherwise, they might develop a deep aversion to it.

do persian cats scratch the couch?

4. Get Your Cat a Good Scratching Post

Scratching posts can make all the difference when it comes to saving your furniture from your little Wolverine’s claws.

Get a good scratching post and after a little adjusting period, your furniture will finally be spared. The trick is to put the scratching post right in front of the furniture your cat would normally claw.

You might also want to consider investing in more than one scratching post. To help you on your quest for the ultimate scratching post, we’ve assembled a little list of some of the best-selling scratching posts on Amazon.

One of the more expensive options on this list, the Pioneer Pet SmartCat Scratching Post, has a heavy, sturdy built, with a wide base that eliminates the danger of the post toppling over your cat.

Add to that an attractive design and you have a winner. Unlike usual carpeted posts, this scratching post is made of a fibrous, durable material called sisal.

While the high price might put off a lot of people, but according to reviews, the product is worth the hefty investment.

One of the most important things to consider in a scratching post is the size, and this one provides an astounding 32 inches to allow your cat to fully stretch vertically.

Customers attest to its high-quality claims, with some saying that the material doesn’t shed even after years of heavy use.

If your budget allows it, the Pioneer Pet SmartCat might be the perfect option for you.

What’s unique about this particular scratcher is that unlike conventional scratchers, this one doesn’t have any legs. Rather, it’s designed as an arch.

Its multi-function design means that your cat can sit/lie on it, or scratch it—simultaneously, too, if it prefers.

Since a lot of cats actually prefer a horizontal or sloped scratching surface to a vertical one, this affordable option (that also comes equipped with a Catnip incentive to attract cats) might be just what you need.

Coming in 2 sizes, this scratching post is another unique twist on the traditional scratching post. It has a triangular design, with an opening in the middle, where your cat can rest and play (and scratch), too.

Customer reviews praise it for being very well built and sturdy. The PetFusion allows your feline companion to explore, rest, climb and scratch, all the while looking like a very attractive piece of furniture itself.

The cherry on top? It’s made entirely from recycled corrugated cardboard.

One thing to remember though is that cats are going to scratch—it is just as second nature to them as breathing.

Remember to be patient and give them time, with the right positive reinforcement, they’ll learn soon enough!

Related Questions

Are Persian Cats Clever?

Persian cats may not be as clever as the other cat breeds, but they sure are very sweet, affectionate and gentle in nature. They are the perfect companions, as they love to cuddle and lounge around with their owners.

Are Persian Cats Social?

Persian cats are known to be quite sweet, tender and quiet in nature. These docile creatures tend to be very loving, social and easy-going, but they are very particular about their territory and hate intrusion.

Are Persian Cats Talkative?

Known to be quite shy and docile, Persian cats are not that talkative. They are only vocal when they need something or when something seems out of place to them. They may also become vocal to gain your attention.

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