Have you recently adopted a cute Siamese cat and now you are wondering why your furniture looks a little sad? Well, your Siamese cat might have something to do with it!
Do Siamese Cats scratch furniture? Yes, Siamese cats do scratch furniture and other objects. This is a way of getting exercise, stretching, and getting rid of old nails. Scents are left behind also. Scratches also let other cats know that a fellow feline is nearby.
Now you know the basic reason Siamese scratch furniture. But to really understand why and ways to prevent it, keep reading.
Why Do Siamese Scratch Furniture (and other stuff)?
Let us note right away that some breeders train their cats to use scratching posts. However, Siamese adopted as kittens may need training.
You will not only notice scratches in your furniture, but also on wooden door frames, wooden doors, carpets, and mattresses.
Scratching is a natural need of cats of all breeds. They do not do this because they are angry or upset with you, rather it is a way of satisfying one of their many needs.
Aside from marking territory and keeping claws healthy, cats scratch as a way of showing excitement over something such as when their owner comes home from errands.
You might see your cat scale a door or wall to scratch, or even stick their rear ends into the air to scratch the carpet or welcome mat. Old cardboard boxes are another cat favorite.
Your job as a pet parent is to note all the surfaces they love. Make a good list of everything they like to sink their claws into. By doing this, you are making yourself a “buying guide” of sorts and will know what scratching objects to purchase.
Set the Limits
Now that you know what your cat likes, it’s time to put boundaries up and encourage your cat to scratch only the appropriate places.
Cat scratching behavior is dependent upon texture. Therefore, you should cover up surfaces your cat scratches using safe but unappealing materials. For instance, cats do not like sticky feelings on their paws. You can buy double sided sticky tape for cats that will deter them.
Much of the time, this tape is safe for use on surfaces like wood, so you can protect your woodwork or other special wooden objects like chests or wooden statues with it.
Cats also dislike the smell of citrus. Some cats find menthol unappealing. You can place old rags or cotton balls saturated with citrus perfume or essential oils near objects you would like them to avoid.
Sore muscle rubs like Bengay also may deter cats. (Author’s note: I did once meet a shelter cat who actually LOVED menthol- do be wary of this).
Your goal is to make use of these deterrents until your cat understands they are only supposed to use the scratching posts for their needs. Once your Siamese is fully trained, you can get rid of these objects.
Keep in mind that accidents can and will happen. Do not ever yell at your cat or hit them. They may see you as a threat and avoid you. Instead, clap your hands and take them to the object you want them to scratch.
This drills in the message that the wall/door/couch is not OK, the scratching post is.
What About Declawing?
Some cat owners may think that having their cat declawed is the way to go when it comes to keeping scratching under control.
This is not the answer, nor is it humane. Firstly, the act of declawing the cat can make him or her less likely to eliminate in the litter box. Secondly, they are more apt to bite.
Other health problems can arise as a result of declawing. Infections, back pain, and sore feet can be caused by declawing. The way a cat’s foot hits the ground naturally is altered when they are declawed. Imagine wearing ill-fitting shoes and never being able to take them off.
Declawing is only for special situations: for instance, if nail bed tumors are not benign, declawing must take place so the cancerous tumors can be removed.
Declawing is not what some make it out to be: some cat lovers are under the impression this is like having nails clipped. Instead, the last bone of the toe of the cat is removed. It would be akin to removing human fingers at the last knuckle.
Cats can be trained to avoid things their owners want to protect. Plenty of training, Patience and positive reinforcement are the tricks to making this work.
How Can I Prevent Scratching?
There are plenty of ways you can train your cat to scratch only appropriate objects. For instance, there are pet-safe sprays and tape that can be applied to various surfaces in your home.
Aside from this, you can and should bring in big scratching posts for your Siamese cat to enjoy. We have chosen two great ones you and your Siamese cat are sure to like.
AmazonBasics Hammock & Cat Scratching Post
Cats love to scratch right after they get up from a nap. Your Siamese will absolutely love the convenience of being able to nap and then jump down and scratch away. Your sofa and wood will be well protected when this lovely post is on your home.
The hammock is up off the ground, perfect for cats that like to be up a bit so they can look around. This also helps satisfy the desire to climb.
The pillars for scratching are constructed of natural and good quality rope that they can scratch for healthy nails. Chipboard and plush carpeting are the other two main ingredients of this super scratching post.
You will find that this post is unintrusive and attracts cats who are tired or just need a place to relax as well as fulfill their need to scratch. This small investment is also great for apartment dwellers who want to get their pet deposit back.
The colors are unobtrusive, and it will fit neatly anywhere. It even features a fun hanging puffball for added exercise and fun for your Siamese. Get the Hammock & Scratching Post here!
PetFusion 3-Sided Cat Scratching Post
You may think a cardboard scratcher won’t last very long but looking at user reviews show that this quality scratcher lasts quite a while: Longer than 1 year with multiple uses.
The scratcher is glued together using top of the line adhesives and will stand up to the toughest cats of all breeds. The three-sided design is fun for cats to walk through and rub their backs on, and then scratch afterward.
The scratcher itself is made of recycled cardboard, Cornstarch glue, and features silicone grippers that will stay on your floor with no problem.
Cardboard is great as most cats love it. The vertical scratcher is a great way for your Siamese to stretch out and get rid of those claws.
It is a reasonably priced object your cats will enjoy-and you can reclaim your stuff. Get the 3-sided scratching post here!
Cat Scratchers You Can Make
Using things, you already have in your home, you can give your Siamese a place to scratch while you wait for your new scratching post to arrive.
You can bring in a clean piece of wood for your cats to scratch. A piece of wood with bark you might use at a campsite or in the fireplace is a great thing for cats to pick at. Be sure it is a natural piece of wood and free of chemicals.
Are you throwing away old carpet? Cut away a piece and allow your cat to use it for his scratching needs.
Was a cardboard box recently at your home? Corrugated cardboard is loved by cats. A bonus is that if it is thick enough, you can punch holes in it, hang it with string from a doorknob, and allow your cats to scratch away.
Make sure you watch them so you can replace the cardboard once it gets thin.
Where Do I Put the Scratching Post?
Place these objects where your Siamese will be most likely to use them. You might put it near their bed or by the back door so they can greet you and scratch excitedly after each workday.
We advise you to have scratching objects on each floor of your home so your cat can scratch when needed.
Keep them in the same spots to minimize accidents and keep them in the habit of scratching the right places.
Related Questions
Do Siamese Cats Scratch?
Yes, Siamese do scratch. Every cat-from the big cats like lions and panthers all the way to that mangy stray you know scratch. Siamese smart and can be trained to avoid scratching with enough patience and consistency.
Do All Cats Scratch Furniture?
All cats scratch, and furniture is no exception if it is a texture, they find appealing. They can be trained to avoid it and use a scratching post or other object. Scratching is a way of signaling other cats and marking territory.
Are Siamese Protective of Their Owners?
Siamese closely bond with their owners and are very smart. They are extremely protective and are known to defend their person if they feel a threat is present. These cats are dedicated, loving and loyal to their owners and not afraid to show it.
Indeed, Siamese are scratchers of furniture, but they can be trained otherwise. Bring your patience and a good scratching object and you will see results in no time.
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