Before you decide to become a cat parent, I am sure there is one question that will cross your mind. And yes, it is entirely normal to ask “How long can I expect my cat to live”?
The lifespan of a cat depends on various circumstances such as diet, lifestyle, hereditary illnesses, and environment. In this article, I’ll discover some facts about Persian cats.
Persian cats, like any other cats, on average have a lifespan of about 18 years. They typically live for 12 to 18 years with a median of 14 years. However, because it’s a pure breed, Persian cats will be prone to hereditary illnesses, which may shorten their life expectancy.
Persian cats have endearing personality, luxurious coats, round, flat faces, and they are a wonderful breed. If you own one, consider yourself very lucky as they are very sociable, super friendly and, you’ll be surprised, very laid back.
What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of Persian Cats?
On average, a Persian cat will live from 12 to 18 years.
There are cases of Persian cats living up to 20 years, which is very uncommon, and of course, there are cases where Persian cats die before their 10th birthday.
Persian cats are very affectionate and need a lot of attention from their owner. They have a very relaxed nature and are not as playful as the Japanese Bobtail, for instance.
Because they require special care, it’s best not to let them walk freely outside. Persians are best kept as indoor cats.
Their lifespan is affected not only by the environment, but other factors play a significant role too, such as their diet, hereditary illnesses, supplements, what type of medication they are on and their lifestyle in general.
Their genetic health problems are the factor that affects their life expectancy the most.
Unlike purebreds, mixed-breed cats live longer due to their genetic makeup, which usually protects them from hereditary illnesses.
Also, if your Persian has a more flat face and smaller nose then it is highly likely it will be more vulnerable to allergies and colds.
Do Persian Cats Have Health Problems?
Pedigreed or mixed breed, cats may have health problems that are genetic by nature.
Unfortunately, Persian cats, although very sweet, are a breed most affected by health issues, most of them related to their facial structure.
These cute, flat-faced cats can, unfortunately, develop health problems as they age, and that is why they require special care all their life.
The health problems Persian cats may have are:
- Breathing difficulties caused by constricted nostrils, due to their small and flat face
- Dental issues, such as teeth that don’t mesh well together
- Excessive tearing as a result of malformed tear ducts
- Multiple eye conditions including cherry eye and entropion
- Heat sensitivity
- Bladder stones and bladder infections
- Liver shunts
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Predisposition to fungal infection such as ringworm
- Skin condition such as Seborrhea oleosa (oily seborrhea) which causes itchiness, redness and hair loss
- Dystocia or difficult labor is also very common in Persian cats
There are ways to treat some of these health issues as well as tests to discover some of the genetic diseases before they become life-threatening.
10 Tips To Help Your Persian Cat Live Longer
Although they require a lot of maintenance, there are some simple steps to make your Persian happy, healthy, and long-living.
- First, although not the most important, is the need for daily grooming. Their luxurious coat needs to be brushed every day, and to make sure that their fur stays clean and healthy, they should be bathed from time to time.
- Make sure your Persian has a clean litter box; otherwise she will stop using it.
- Persian cats have malformed tear ducts and experience excessive tearing. Wipe the corners of your Persian regularly to prevent under-eye stains and irritation on her face.
- Brush their teeth or provide dry food to prevent periodontal disease. You can get a good toothbrush here!
- Keep your Persian cat indoors. Persians are one of the most domesticated cats, and they are not meant to be outdoors and will not handle danger and other animals well.
- Using a warm, wet cloth clean your Persian’s nose regularly. This will help them fight respiratory infections.
- Persian cats lack the defensive layer in their noses that help keep bacteria away, so it’s important to vaccinate your cat regularly against cat flu.
- One in three Persian cats is affected by Polycystic kidney disease, which if discovered on time can be treated with medications and prescriptions from your vet. It will not be cured, but it will extend the life of your Persian cat.
- Pay attention to symptoms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. This is a heart disease that if discovered on time, can be treated with diuretics and ACE inhibitors that can increase longevity.
- If you notice signs of Progressive Retina Atrophy which unfortunately leads to blindness, keep your cat indoors and avoid rearranging your furniture as your Persian may become disorientated.
How Long Do Outdoor Persian Cats Live?
Where you keep your Persian cat is another factor that plays significant role in your cat’s life expectancy.
Persian cats are domesticated cats and should be kept indoors.
If you keep your Persian cat outside then you need to know that her life expectancy will be significantly reduced.
The average lifespan of an outdoor Persian cat is anywhere from 2 to 5 years old.
This is mainly as a result of the dangers Persian cats are exposed to in the outside environment.
Such factors include extreme temperatures, traffic, attacks from other animals, feral diseases, loud noises, and stress.
Keeping your Persian cat indoors will help you identify any health problems early, so you could treat them on time.
There is another reason why most Persian cat owners keep their cats inside. It’s easier to maintain their fur and brushing won’t be as painful for both you and your cat.
Another good reason why Persians are meant to be kept indoors is simply because of their nose structure. Due to their small and flat nose, your Persian cat is more vulnerable to filth and dust.
What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Persian Cat
Before you go on and buy a Persian cat because you think they look adorable and not that fussy, you need to know several things:
- They may become your new best friend, and you will always have someone to cuddle with.
- Persian cats are domesticated cats and should be kept indoors.
- If you keep your Persian cat outdoors, it is smart to get them spayed and neutered. These cats live longer because there is no risk to develop ovarian or testicular cancers.
- Persian cats are really expensive. A healthy kitten will cost you about $800.
- Persians require daily brushing, which means daily care. Are you ready to take care of your cat on a regular basis?
- Although they are calm in nature, Persian cats may get stressed out and annoyed by loud noises, loud children or pets.
- You may find yourself cleaning your house more often as Persian cats shed a lot.
- Persian cats may have many health problems due to their genetic makeup. Are you ready to spend some money on all those visits to the vet?
- You can avoid purchasing a Persian with potential genetic problems that may appear from poor breeding if you look for a reputable Persian cat breeder.
Related Questions
Where do Persian cats like to sleep? You may find your Persian cat sleeping in the sun, on the couch, or in your lap, on top of you even, if she is in the mood. The Persian’s sweet nature makes them super cuddly, and they make great companions.
Do Persian cats like to cuddle? Persian cats are great lap cats. Most Persians will enjoy sitting in your lap for hours. Persian cats are affectionate with their family members, and they like to both play and snuggle. Because of their sweet, gentle nature Persians can be really quiet and laid back.
Can Persian cats be left alone? Persian cats crave attention and are very affectionate. Like many domesticated cats, they become attached to their owners and can feel separation anxiety if they are left alone for too many hours. Avoid leaving your Persian cat alone for more than 48 hours.
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